Sunday, July 29, 2012


The title of this article is also the title of a japanese video game that may be hard for some to swallow. The concept of RapeLay is that you play a main character who throughout the game stalks and rapes a mother and  her two daughters. This is disturbing and creepy on so many levels. It is also a huge blow to the video game industry which gets enough flak for the gratuitous violence and gore in western games and now Japanese games feature a rapist protagonist. Apparently the game passed legal standards in japan too. All I can think as a gamer and a guy is A: Never buying this. And B: What the eff?!

Dr Guevara

Lazy Conservatives

Recently a study came out in Personality and Social  Psychology Bulletin whose findings suggest that people who think conservatively often mirror people's thinking that is time impaired or mentally impaired. The Study measured the thinking of participants by measuring their timed responses to questions under different circumstances. There was responses while under the effect of alcohol, then multi tasked distractions, time constraints, and then simply not thinking at all. Researchers found that the more conservative the answer was, the less thinking was involved usually. Makes a lot of sense don't you think?

Dr Guevara

Thursday, July 26, 2012

In Sweden, Taking File Sharing to Heart. And to Church.

STOCKHOLM — People almost everywhere are file sharing these days, using computers to download music, films, books or other materials, often ignoring copyrights. In Sweden, however, it is a religion. Really.
Isak Gerson, left, and Gustav Nipe of the newly registered Church of Kopimism, whose central dogma is that file sharing is sacred.

Even as this Scandinavian country, like other nations across Europe, bows to pressure from big media concerns to stop file sharing, a Swedish government agency this year registered as a bona fide religion a church whose central dogma is that file sharing is sacred.
“For me it is a kind of believing in deeper values than worldly values,” said Isak Gerson, a philosophy student at Uppsala University who helped found the church in 2010 and bears the title chief missionary. “You have it in your backbone.”
Kopimism — the name comes from a Swedish spelling of the words “copy me” — claims more than 8,000 faithful who have signed up on the church’s Web site. It has applied for the right to perform marriages and to receive subsidies awarded to religious organizations by the state, and it has bid, thus far unsuccessfully, to buy a church building, even though most church activities are conducted online.
As regular church attendance drops among the 9.4 million Swedes, the Church of Sweden has been selling off disused churches, but it has not yet responded to the Kopimist bid.
“We have something similar to regular priests,” said Mr. Gerson, 20, who claims a permanent link to the divine through a Nokia smartphone. “We call them ops, or operators, and their task is to help people with things like meetings. There are not that many rituals. We are a tolerant community.”
Asked whether he believed in God, Mr. Gerson replied: “No, I just believe in our values. It’s just a belief in holy values.”
The Kopimists rose out of Europe’s growing piracy movement, which was born in Sweden about a decade ago. In elections to the European Parliament in 2009, the country’s Pirate Party got 7.1 percent of the vote, though in national elections the next year its share plummeted to less than 1 percent.
The movement has spread abroad, to at least nine European countries. In May, Germany’s Pirate Party won almost 8 percent of the vote in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state; in Berlin last year, it won 8.9 percent in elections to the state Parliament.
But Kopimists like Mr. Gerson, the son of a Jewish father and a Christian mother, insist that the church does not sully its hands with politics, though they admit that the line between politics and religion can be elusive.
“Look at the United States, in the primaries, the importance of religion, or in the Middle East,” said Gustav Nipe, another church founder. Mr. Nipe, 23, who studied economics, illustrates the thin line — he is chairman of both the Kopimist Church and the Pirate Party’s youth group.
Mr. Nipe, whose parents are churchgoing Christians, emphasizes with his coreligionists that Kopimism’s purpose is not to directly promote illegal file sharing, but rather to focus on the values of sharing information.
“I think we see it as a theological remix,” Mr. Gerson said. “Christianity took from Judaism and turned it into something new, and the Muslims did the same. We are part of a tradition.”
The government has no problem with that tradition, as long as its adherents do not break the law.
“It is our responsibility to register religious communities that fulfill certain criteria,” said Mareta Grondal, an official at the government agency that registered the church. “We do not look into how communities act in a practical way.”
A religious community is recognized, Ms. Grondal said, if it fulfills certain requirements, like writing a charter and filing it with the agency, electing a governing board and paying an annual fee, now about $70. The Kopimist request for registration was twice refused on technicalities before being granted.
“The government cannot, should not interfere with what people believe in,” Ms. Grondal said. “That would be a dangerous path to take.” But the government has been interfering with what people do of late, and shows few signs of allowing religious freedom to justify copyright infringement.
click here to Read More

Funny Cop Story

Yoda Origami

Discovery About Pop Music

Being one of many who don't enjoy modern day pop music, I always argue with any friend of mine who is into pop music, I mean let's face it, it all sounds the same. Now recently scientists in Spain did a study of this, according to Reuters. Using a data archive of music recorded from 1955 to 2010 scientists have determined that pop music has been getting louder, and that in musical has pretty much become inferior in every way. There is less instrument variety and songs have become intrinsically louder and have a blander chord progresssions. According to artificial intelligence specialist Joan Serra," We found evidence of a progressive homogenization of the musical discourse.In particular, we obtained numerical indicators that the diversity of transitions between note combinations - roughly speaking chords plus melodies - has consistently diminished in the last 50 years."

Dr Guevara

1: Wickham, "Pop music is too load and all sounds the same:official."

Carly Rae Jepsen Sex Tape Leaked

Alleged Carly Rae Jepsen Sex Tape Leaked onto Web 

Foppish blogger Perez Hilton caused quite a stir this morning when he posted photo stills from a an orally-leaning sex tape with a female fellatiator who he said 'sure looks like pop diva Carly Rae Jepsen.
For our sake, we're inclined to believe Carly Rae, partly because we don't know much about her, given that she's Bieber connected, we are scared of her cooties for one, second, the last time a reader sent us 'Carly Rae Jepsen' naughty pics, they turned out to be an adult film doppleganger and not Carly. Burn us once, and all that. And we hardly trust Perez Hilton as a validating source.
Nevertheless, since you guys have been emailing us all day about this, take a look and decide for yourself.
(Thanks to a million and one EgoReaders for the video link.)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

TED:The Truth Behind Social Awkwardness

As a man who is an introvert i feel it necessary to let people know, there is a social stigma to being an introvert. In case I have gotten ahead of myself here let me explain. We see two main personality types when it comes to human behaviors, the extravert and the introvert. Extraverts are people who externalise their thoughts, living in the 'outside world' so to speak, and introverts live in the 'inside world' and internalize their thoughts. Here's a chart that gives a basic view of the differences between the two types of personality.

Dr Guevara

1:  Sword, Leslie. Copyright, 2002. www.talentdevelop/com. "The Gifted Introvert."
2: Cain, Susan, TEDtalks.

Speaking of Tolkien, Here's Gandalf The Stoned

Tolkien's Great Epic

Starting today we here at From My Side Of The Bar will be doing occasional book reviews. Reading is a useful activity for stimulating your brain, and reading even a little bit will help fight mental disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease. Now For the book to be reviewed, The Silmarillion by J.R.R Tokien famous for his books The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings, both of which have been adapted into movies. For the fans of Middle Earth, there is another book in the same series, and that is The Silmarillion. The Silmarillion narrates the creation of Middle Earth, as well as the First Age, when the Elves fought the original Dark Lord, Morgoth. Great battles and heroes, strange creatures, and magic are all in here, and lets face it, fantasy is in style these days.

Dr Guevara



Don't miss the ark!

Jade's 2012 Roughrider Gallery: Part 1

Jade Duckett and Lisa Swallow 
photos courtesy of Lisa Swallow

Jade and Terry Duckett with the Grey Cup picture courtesy and the Purolator Tackle Hunger Program the Grey Cup appears courstesy of the CFL hall of fame and their generous efforts in cooporation with the CFL, Purolator and the CFL's 8 member clubs to support local food banks 

Dirty Deeds: Iranian nuclear program hit by 'AC/DC virus'?

Iranian nuclear facilities have reportedly been attacked by a “music” virus, turning on lab PCs at night and blasting AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck.”

Mikko Hypponen, Chief Researcher at Finnish digital security firm F-secure, publicly released a letter he received from an unnamed Iranian scientist. The researcher, who claimed to work for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said that another virus has struck the Natanz uranium enrichment facility in central Iran and a secret underground research facility at Fordo, southwest of Tehran.
The letter’s author reported that the virus shut down equipment (made by Germany’s Siemens Corporation) and automated systems at both research centers.
Hypponen published the letter on his blog, but cautioned that there is no way for him to verify the accusations. He was able to confirm, however, that the letter did originate from the AEOI’s servers.
The letter, which was reportedly sent to various cybersecurity experts, said that Metasploit’s Penetration Testing Software had been used to direct this new attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
The scientist stressed that he is not a cybersecurity specialist, and does not have detailed information on the virus.
“There was also some music playing randomly on several of the workstations during the middle of the night with the volume maxed out. I believe it was playing ‘Thunderstruck’ by AC/DC,” the scientist wrote.
If true, this attack is the third hacking attempt aimed at Tehran’s controversial nuclear program. In 2010, the state-of-the-art Stuxnet virus set Iran’s nuclear ambitions back by at least two years.
In May 2012, experts at Russia’s Kaspersky Laboratories exposed another Trojan virus called Flame, which was designed to spy on web activity in Iran and some Middle Eastern countries. Russian cybersecurity experts labeled Flame “probably the most complicated virus ever.”
Iran claimed to have found a way to neutralize Flame.

Dark Knight Massacre, The Tragedy of Aurora

On the midnight premiere of 'The Dark Knight Rises", a lone gunman walked into a theater armed with an assault rifle, a shotgun and two handguns and opened fire into the crowd.  Fifty eight people were injured, and the deaths have gone up to twelve, this also makes the Aurora shooting the worst mass shooting to ever occur in US history. Police have arrested  a suspect, James Holmes, an honors student at the University of California.  Police report that the suspect would refer to himself as 'The Joker,'  the iconic villain from the previous Dark Knight film,  also the role that killed actor Heath Ledger. Holt would dye his hair red to better look like the Joker. police report he is no complying with them. We at From My Side Of The Bar would like to send our sympathies to the families of the victims of this incident.

Dr Guevara

The Annoying Facebooks Girl's Debut

The Success Kid Strikes Again!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

#420FunFact: 001

The Offshore Treasure

Recently watchdog groups have discovered a horrifying truth, the rich global elite are hiding mass amounts of money in offshore money havens. How much? Recently watch dog groups found a bunch of money missing from the world's markets have discovered a haven containing 21 Trillion US dollars.
For more about the 'offshore economy' (the nice way of saying, 'the money the elites stole from the world').

July 24, 2012 * We would like to update the readers that developments within this story have occured. Its seems several of the world's largest banks were involved in this grand robbery, which has cost the world 32 trillion US Dollars, 280 Billion of it taxpayers money. Some of the banks involved HSBC, Citigroup, And UBS.

Dr Guevara

1: "Super Rich Hiding up to 32 Trillion Offshore

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A New Kind of Video Game Console!

Shell Screws up in the Arctic

With the Gulf of Mexico disaster still in people's memory as one of the worst environmental disasters ever, this may hurt to hear. Recently Shell, the oil company, has acquired legal rights to drill for oil in the Arctic, one of the most fragile ecosystems in the world. And apparently the boys at shell are not on top of their game. Reports have surfaced that one of the offshore rigs was not anchored properly and actually ended up floating away and onto a beach! Seriously, the constant amount of screwing up from oil companies is shameful at the least, malevolent at the worst. For more on this story

Dr Guevara

They're taking our jobs!

In what should be a shock to all hard working Canadians looking for work, the Harper Government spits on Canada's working class yet again. When people that are not residents of Canada look for work, they have to get something from a prospective employer called a Labor Market Opinion. This is a written statement that says that no Canadian residents are applying for the same work. This way Canadian residents get priority when applying for work. The Harper Government feels that it is ok to exempt US veterans looking for work from this requirement. Now high paying trade jobs within the Canadian sector can be taken by US citizens who will come work and leave. How is this fair to your countrymen Harper?!

Dr Guevara


by the way this is how canadians should be feeling right now

Armored Kill Preview

For this week's video game news the doctor brings you news of his favorite first person shooter, the magnificent Battlefield 3. Battlefield 3 is known for its intense class based, mixed combat multiplayer. What this means is that you can fight as both as a ground soldier or use an assortment of vehicles, including light-armored vehicles, main battle tanks, helicopters, jet fighters and personal transports.Battlefield 3 also features a revolutionary game engine called Frostbite 2, which supports destructible environments. Recently the first real expansion pack, Battlefield 3 Close Quarters, was released. Now we have footage of the next expansion Armored Kill, a Vehicle and large battle focused expansion. Check out the vid below, dont it just look awesome?

Dr Guevara

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Greatest Treasure Salvage

In what is a record breaking treasure salvage, mariners have found 48 tons of silver 3 miles beneath the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean. The wreck they are salvaging is the S.S. Gairsoppa, a 412 foot steel hulled cargo ship that sunk in 1941. The silver is being taken back to the United Kingdom. Perhaps more effort should be put into salvaging stuff from the bottom of the ocean.

Dr Guevara

Dark Knight Rises Reminder

A reminder to all of our faithful readers that in a day or so varying on where you live the third movie of Christopher Nolan's Superhero epic about Batman is coming. 'Batman Begins' and  'The Dark Knight' were both excellent films that revived an interest in everyone's favorite superhero without superpowers. According to Rotten tomatoes the critical reception to the film has mostly been overwhelmingly positive. Although a few critics who posted negative reviews have been sent death threats by psychotic fans. Taking it a little far don't you think guys?

Dr Guevara

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Preview: 2-0 Lions And Riders Collide At Mosaic

REGINA -- Not many people likely had Week 3’s meeting between the Lions and Riders circled on their calendars. But with each team sporting identical 2-0 records, Sunday’s outing is quickly garnering hype.

Through two weeks the Riders boast not only one of the league’s most dangerous attacks, led by multi-talented Darian Durant and his go-to receivers Weston Dressler and Chris Getzlaf, but they also have the CFL’s number one defence.
The defending Grey Cup champion BC Lions, of course, are just that – the defending Grey Cup champs, and they picked up right where they left off in 2011 with a flurry of offence in home wins over Winnipeg and Hamilton to open the season.

Both teams now face their greatest challenge of the season, as the Riders prepare for a finely-tuned opponent that isn’t coming off a major off-season overhaul for the first time, while the Lions get set to not only play their first game away from BC Place, but also against a West Division team.

Saturday’s matinee isn’t actually the first time these two teams meet in 2012, as the Lions opened the pre-season with a 44-10 thrashing of the Riders, in which promising backup quarterback Mike Reilly threw for three touchdowns.

When asked about that result, first-year head coach Corey Chamblin, the league’s youngest at age 35, said it was just a matter of the Lions playing their veterans and the Riders playing back-ups.

“They played their dogs and we played our puppies,” Chamblin said.
The Riders will be playing all their dogs in this one, and it’s safe to say a lot has changed in the four short weeks since that early pre-season result caused flashbacks of last year’s forgettable 5-13 season for Riders fans.

The quick turnaround started in Week 1, when the Riders marched into Ivor Wynne Stadium as underdogs and spoiled the Ticats’ home opener to the tune of a 43-16 victory that saw Durant pass for 390 yards and four touchdowns.

It was also a coming out party for Getzlaf and Dressler, who combined for 276 receiving yards and four touchdown receptions.

The following week, it was the defence’s turn to put on a show, with the 1-0 Esks in town for the first game of the season at Mosaic Stadium. The defence was dominant, sacking Edmonton QBs Steven Jyles and Kerry Joseph six times and limiting the offence to just 137 total yards of offence.

This week they’ll get a chance to combine that success and show the rest of the league that they mean business, with their biggest test quickly looming.

“There may have been excuses for the other wins that people want to come up with, there are no excuses for this one – it’s going to be a battle, so don’t tell me it was the weather, don’t tell me it was this or that, we’ve just got to beat last year’s championship team,” said Chamblin.

The Riders through two weeks have outscored their opponents by 43 points, the highest in the league by far heading into Saturday, with the Lions outscoring their first two opponents by 20 points. On paper, Saskatchewan looks like a scary opponent.

But the Lions are still the champs, and their players talk like it too. Intimidation is a major factor when playing BC, and that’s why coach Chamblin was a little more vocal in practice this week – to make sure his team is well-prepared for that what’s to come.

“I was the BC Lions today,” Chamblin said. “Their team is going to come in here, they’re going to have a lot to say...So I’m letting the new guys know what kind of environment they’re going to have.”

“Since I’ve been in this league they’ve been a mouthy bunch, and they have to step up to the challenge and own up to it. It’s going to be a fight, I’m not backing away from it,” he continued.

“I’m telling that bunch in there that ‘they’re going to come in, they’re last year’s Grey Cup champs and if you want to be the champs, that’s the group you’ve got to beat.”

If it’s a battle the Riders are after, they’ll be sure to get it. The Lions have no shyness when it comes to big games with a lot on the line, and first-year Head Coach Mike Benevides said his team is preparing for a Riders team that has changed a lot since their previous meeting.

“It’s unbelievable what they’ve been able to do,” Benevides said. “We’re going to have to be on our A-game in every aspect, every snap, because right now, they’re playing outstanding football. I expect a huge battle.”

The Lions will also be preparing for a huge battle with the 13th man on Saturday, as the crowd as Mosaic Stadium should give the Riders a major boost. No one in BC knows the feeling of that as well as former Rider Stu Foord, who’s ready to face his old team for the first time.

“Today, we had some crowd noise, that was pretty loud and you couldn’t even hear yourself think, let alone talk, but you’ve just got to work through it,” Foord noted. “I haven’t been on the other side, so it’s going to be interesting to see how the crowd is when we’re on offence.”
One player who will try to lead a balanced Lions attack once again will be running back Andrew Harris, who helped finish off the Ticats in the late stages of last week’s game with timely fourth-quarter running. Harris, who finished with 147 yards on 13 carries with one touchdown, said he’s ready for the next challenge.

“We’re going into a hostile environment this week in Saskatchewan, so it’s going to be a true test, especially on the road too,” he said. “Saskatchewan’s 2-0 as well, so that should be an exciting game and obviously an intense one, playing in the Prairies.”

Despite sitting in second in points scored with 72 points, there appears to be plenty of room for the Lions to really hit their stride on both sides of the ball. Benevides knows he doesn’t need to do anything special in order to keep his team focused ahead of Saturday’s contest.  

“The players need to understand that every week, we’re looking to improve and the thing that I’m most proud of is the work ethic,” said Benevides.

Lions starting quarterback Travis Lulay, who played a big part in the team’s strong start with back-to-back good outings both through the air as well as on the ground, agrees that there’s plenty for his team to work on.

“That’s the biggest thing, especially early in the season,” Lulay. “You look for ways to improve every week, and as long as you’re steadily improving, hopefully you’re doing it faster than your opponent.”

Intruder Alert!!



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Farming and I Grow It (Official Video)

Fentanyl kills 'perfect wife' and other addicts in Ontario city

Fentanyl is a painkiller 100 times more potent than morphine, and 750 times stronger than codeine. (Makda Ghebreslassie/CBC News) 

A drug that some addicts have adopted as a replacement for OxyContin is slowly having an impact in the southwestern Ontario city of Sarnia, and at least one resident whose wife died from a Fentanyl overdose says he's speaking out to prevent other deaths.
Police say Fentanyl is becoming a killer street drug in Sarnia, which has a population of about 72,000.
They say two people died of Fentanyl overdoses last year. This year, one other person has died and two people were found unconscious from overdoses on consecutive days in June.
Fentanyl is a painkiller 100 times more potent than morphine. It is 750 times stronger than codeine, according to Dr. Michelle Arnot, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Toronto.
Det. Const. Ivan Skinn said Fentanyl is “far more dangerous than the old formula of OxyContin.” In 2011, Skinn warned that Fentanyl would replace OxyContin as a problem among addicts before OxyContin was delisted.
Mark Simpson, who requested that his real name not be used to protect the identity of his two children, found his wife dead of a Fentanyl overdose late last year.
Simpson said she was “a perfect wife” — until she was prescribed Fentanyl.
When she slipped and fell on ice, her injuries required back surgery and left her in pain, so her doctor prescribed Fentanyl patches.
Simpson’s wife soon became addicted. She first sucked the patches under her tongue. Someone then showed her how to smoke them. Simpson said she was eventually burning through a month’s supply of 15, 100-milligram patches in less than a week.
When she could no longer convince her doctor to write a prescription, she forged one.
Simpson learned after his wife’s death that she had a fraud charge against her. As a result of forging her doctor’s name, she could no longer obtain a prescription. So Simpson’s wife turned to the street and bought the drug from dealers.
“Once she figured out how to smoke it, everything went missing. I’ve lost thousands of dollars worth of stuff,” Simpson said. “She would do anything to get drugs. She was selling everything.”
Simpson, 38, said his wife, 34, pawned her children’s laptops and his tools, and took a $10,000 cash advance on his credit card to buy the drugs. He found many of his household items at a local pawn shop.
“It wasn’t my wife,” he said.

Addict led 'secret life'

Simpson routinely worked an afternoon shift, from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. That’s when his wife abused the painkiller.
“She had a totally secret life,” Simpson said. “It was unbelievable.”
On one of the only days he didn’t come home for lunch during his shift, she died. He found her bleeding, with a straw in mouth, after he came home from work.
“It was the hardest thing to tell my five-year-old,” Simpson said.
Fentanyl patches help deliver the drug throughout the body to people it's given to by prescription. But addicts scrape the drug from the patches and smoke or inject it.
“They take the drug and they go sleep. As they take it, they hope they wake up,” Skinn said. “Every time they take a hit of Fentanyl, they’re playing Russian roulette.”
Skinn said addicts call it “the Fentanyl Nod.”

Police warned of trouble

When the Ontario government delisted OxyContin, Skinn predicted addicts would turn to Fentanyl and heroin.
“It was easy to predict simply because doctors needed to switch their patients to something. People just weren’t going to stop taking OxyContin because the province delisted it,” Skinn said. “The two drugs we’re seeing now [are] Fentanyl and heroin.”
Skinn said patients sometimes sell their patches to addicts or drug dealers for anywhere between $150 and $400 each.
“For us to deal with it on the street is almost impossible because of the existence of a valid prescription somewhere,” Skinn said. “There’s a certain legitimacy about this drug.”
Simpson spoke out because he said the addiction “has to stop.”
“No one should have to go through what I went through, to come home and find their wife dead,” he said.

Body of missing 86-year-old Regina man found

Donald James Barnett

Photograph by: RCMP , handout

REGINA — Regina resident Donald Barnett,missing since last Thursday, has been found dead.
According to an RCMP, Barnett’s body was found at 11 a.m. on Tuesday with the assistance of a STARS Air Ambulance helicopter crew. Police said he was found several kilometres south of the Wascana Trails area that had been previously searched by RCMP members and volunteers.

The Coroner’s Office is now investigating.
Barnett, 86, was first reported missing on Thursday when he left that morning to go walking in the Wascana Trails — an area with which he was reportedly quite familiar.

Ground and aerial searches had failed to locate the man. On Monday, volunteers on horseback combed the area again.
Then on Tuesday morning, RCMP asked STARS to assist in the search, although it’s outside of the air service’s normal duties.
Because the STARS helicopter was not on a patient mission at the time, they were able to take part, explained spokesperson Kelly Brossart. A full crew of two pilots, a paramedic and a nurse took flight at 10:53 a.m. and were dispatched to Wascana Trails.
Not long after arriving in the area, one of the pilots noticed Barnett’s body.

“Our pilots are trained in search and rescue ... most of them have military background and as I said, although this is not part of our primary mandate, it is great that we were able to help them out with this particular mission,” STARS spokesperson Kelly Brossart said.

Asked by reporters if STARS should have been brought in sooner, RCMP spokesman Sgt. Paul Dawson replied, “It’s tough to say.
“Had we brought them out, maybe they would be searching the area in Wascana Trails and they wouldn’t have found him. So, searching is kind of an inexact science. We do the best we can based on the information that we have of when this person would go there, what he would normally do there, his age — things like that. We used a lot of different tools in hopes of finding him, and eventually we did with the help of STARS. So that’s a good thing.”

Read more:

ESA Funds $1.3 Billion Mission to Search For Life on Jupiter’s Moons

Video Below

10 Signs Of Life Outside of Earth

Top Ten Suppressed Inventions of the all time

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sask Power Announces Rate Increase for New Year

Sask Power President Robert Watson announced his utility company will be raising rates in the new year. Effective as of January 1st, rates will rise by 4.9 percent for Sask Power customers. This will generate an aditional 90 million in revenue for the company.

Dr Guevara

Rainbow Jelly Shooters! #SummerSlammed

Rainbow Jelly Shooter

Suggested pan: 9" x 13" cake pan, or molds
Yield:  about 45 jelly shots
Garnish: Maraschino cherries, if desired

If flexible silicon molds are used, prepare the molds with a quick spray or wipe of vegetable oil, then wipe the molds clean with a clean paper towel.  This will leave a slight residue to assist in unmolding, but will not affect the taste or appearance of your jelly shots.  

Red Layer
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 envelopes Knox gelatin
  • 1 box 3 oz box cherry or strawberry gelatin dessert
  • 1 cup flavored vodka (we recommend Hangar One, Buddha's Hand citrus infused vodka, but your favorite will work just fine!)

Pour water in small saucepan, sprinkle with Knox gelatin.  Allow to soak for a minute or two.  Heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until gelatin is dissolved, approximately 5 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Add the gelatin dessert mix, stir until dissolved.  Stir in the vodka.  Pour into pan and refrigerate until fully set, about an hour.  

Yellow Layer
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 envelopes Knox gelatin
  • 1 box 3 oz box lemon gelatin dessert
  • 1 cup flavored vodka  (we recommend Hangar One, Buddha's Hand citrus infused vodka, but your favorite will work just fine!)

Pour water in small saucepan, sprinkle with Knox gelatin.  Allow to soak for a minute or two.  Heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until gelatin is dissolved, approximately 5 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Add the gelatin dessert mix, stir until dissolved.  Stir in the vodka.  Allow mixture to cool to room temperature, then pour over the set red layer and refrigerate until fully set, about an hour.  

(Note, if you are garnishing with maraschino cherries, add them immediately after the yellow layer is poured in.  Cut the very bottoms off the cherries so they will stand upright.)  

Blue Layer
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 envelopes Knox gelatin
  • 1 box 3 oz box Berry Blue gelatin dessert
  • 1 cup flavored vodka (we recommend Hangar One, Buddha's Hand citrus infused vodka, but your favorite will work just fine!)

Pour water in small saucepan, sprinkle with Knox gelatin.  Allow to soak for a minute or two.  Heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until gelatin is dissolved, approximately 5 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Add the gelatin dessert mix, stir until dissolved.  Stir in the vodka.  Allow mixture to cool to room temperature, then pour over the set red and yellow layers and refrigerate until fully set, several hours or overnight.  (Its ideal to let this chill overnight so the layers can fully bond.)  

To serve, cut into desired shapes or unmold.  

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