Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Surviving Regina City Transit

Too busy staring at the clouds pie eyed like 85 year old chinaman to realize the last two buses that I let pass me by where the ones I should have went on.  Decided easy transportation was a better choice than buying cigarettes and walking.  Then again I am lazy but the walk probably wouldn’t kill me either.  Or could it? I might never know. Maybe I would have been hit by a car or out or control recreation vehicle vamboozling it's way across the intersection.
Arguing with the person giving you a ride somewhere is never a good idea. Unless of course you are paying that person for a ride and what you are arguing about is due to the fact one party has not followed through with a section of the agreement.  
Transfers are a funny little scam put in place by the transit company.  The purpose is to give u a free pass to switch buses within an allotted period of time.  The scam? The scam is that they make you take them when you get on the bus.  The problem with that is that the time printed on the transfer ticket is for an hour and fifteen minutes in the future.  Now this wouldn’t be a problem but the method of transportation is not instant.  Therefore you pay for an hour and fifteen minutes minus the time it takes to travel to your destination.  This is a minor inconvenience if you are planning on making a one way trip.  Why not move the transfer ticket printer to the bus exit door? In my head that concept makes sense.  But then again I didn’t design the bus I only ride it.
     Steve TheBartender

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