Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cyber Monday vs Black Friday

Are You a Black Friday Shopper, a Cyber Monday Shopper or Both?

iPhone Photo Printer $159.95  #NotSafe4Wallet
Everybody loves shopping and everyone loves getting great deals on items. Whether the purchases a shopper makes is for themselves or as a holiday gift, it feels good to know that the product was purchased at the lowest price possible. Deal, coupons, and “best offers” on goods have been around since man began using currency as opposed to bartering. And even then, it is not too much of a stretch to assume that deals and agreements were made to benefit both sides of the equation.

In today’s world, coupons and deals are prevalent every single month of the year regardless of where you live or what items you would like to purchase. However, during the holiday season, the deals become almost too good to be true. Prices are at an all time low and sales are at an all time high. This benefits both the seller and the consumer. Two of the biggest holiday days for outrageous deals and buying opportunities are Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Both Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two “holidays” that both experienced and novice deal shoppers wait for all year. If you get the right deals on one of these two days, your bounty can be exceptional.

What is Black Friday?

8 bit Sunglasses $7.99 #NotSafe4Wallet
Black Friday is the Friday immediately following Thanksgiving. The term has been around since 1966 and it is used to signify the day in which retailers finally are able to make a profit. Or the day in which retailers are finally in the “Black.” After a while, retailers began to realize that people were always going to begin holiday shopping around this time. They wanted more people to come and more sales this day. So, they began to offer exceptional deals which would lure customers to their stores. Eventually the day of Black Friday became a phenomena where people would wake up before the crack of dawn and rush to their favorite shopping centers to get the deals they wanted. Black Friday was better than ever until 2005 when Cyber Monday came around.

What is Cyber Monday?

Cyber Monday is the largest online shopping day of the year. It takes place the Monday after Thanksgiving. Created in 2005 by, Cyber Monday’s reach and participation has increased exponentially each year. Almost every retailer has some sort of Cyber Monday Deals. Sales have grown to over 1 billion dollars in one day in recent years. As technology increases and the desire to shop from home increases, there is no telling how much more potential growth this up and coming “holiday” has.

Cyber Monday vs. Black Friday

Red Dragon Flame Thrower $273.54 #NotSafe4Wallet
The two most important shopping days of the year are without a doubt Cyber Monday and Black Friday. Regardless of your religious standing, all of the major holidays are situated around or after these two dates. That is why sales will always continue. Each holiday has their pros and cons. We have listed them for you below so you can make a better decision about what shopping day you plan to attend this year.

5 Black Friday Pros

1. Exceptional Deals

2. Tradition

3. Burn Off All the Weight You Put on Thanksgiving Day

4. Can Have Shopping Adventures and Journies with Friends and Family

5. Get All of Your Holiday Shopping Done in One Day

5 Black Friday Cons

 1. Enormous Crowds

2. Hazordous to Your Health – You May Get Trampled

3. Early Bird Catches the Worm – Don’t Plan to Sleep Black Friday

4. Stores Often Run Out of Products

5. Crazed Shoppers and Disgruntled Employees are the Norm

5 Cyber Monday Pros

1. Amazing Deals

2. Can Sleep in and then Shop

3. Do Not Have to Fight the Crowds

4. Can Browse As Many Stores As You Would Like Without Getitng Up

5. Can Get All of Your Shopping Done in a Matter of a Couple Hours

5 Cyber Monday Cons

1. You Miss the Experience of Shopping on Black Friday

2. Saying Your Shopping on Cyber Monday Doesn’t Sound as Cool as Black Friday

3. You Don’t Get to Burn off Your Thanksgiving Weight

4. Friends Who Shopped On Black Friday are Done Three Days Sooner Than You

5. If You Do Not Know How to Open the Internet Then You Cannot Shop Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday vs Black Friday Conclusion

As you can see there many different pros and cons for both Cyber Monday and Black Friday Deals. Which day you are going to shop is really up to you and whatever you feel most comfortable with. The only thing that is certain, is you should do you holiday shopping one of these days for sure. Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals are unmatched by any other deal offers or coupons. Don’t make the mistake and miss out on these great opportunities when they are just around the corner and available to everyone!


Save $499.99 on Sony TVs & Home Theatre Bundles. While quantities last. Offer ends Nov 21, 2012.

David Crowe Amazing British Dubstep Beatboxer

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Good Job America

Do You Remember Us?

I Fucking Love Grammer

The Sleigh would be more fun to pull if the driver didn't weigh 700lbs..

Wine! Now Cheaper Than Gas!

The Real Meaning of Thanksgiving

Shot My First Turkey Today...

I wasn't that drunk...

Do You Smell Something?

Stoner Ant

Guess were I'm Calling You From?

Help Me Little Girl!!

Need a Reason to Support Same Sex Marriage?

Happy National Smack dat Ass Day!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What we can learn from people who pass the century mark

Jobs That Could Kill You

10 Green Ways to Improve Our Cities

Top 10 Biggest Entrepreneurs of 2011

10 degrees hiring managers don't want to see

Tesla Model S - Motor Trend Car of the Year

NEW YORK (via CNNMoney) -- Motor Trend magazine has named the Tesla Model S its Car of the Year. The magazine's staff selected the all-electric plug-in luxury car out of a field of 11 finalists that included models such as the Ford Fusion, Porsche 911 and Hyundai Azera.
It is the first time the magazine's Car of the Year award has ever gone to an all-electric car.
Just being electric wasn't enough to earn the Model S the prize, though.
Ed Loh, Motor Trend's editor-in-chief on Monday said that, with eleven finalists, it was a strong field this year. But in the end there was no question about who the winner was. "The vehicles that placed second and third didn't get more than three votes. But it was a unanimous decision for the Tesla Model S."
"At its core, the Tesla Model S is simply a damned good car you happen to plug in to refuel," editor-at-large Angus MacKenzie wrote in an article about the award.
Motor Trend calls the Model S "as smoothly effortless as a Rolls-Royce" to drive fast while having the cargo and passenger capacity of an SUV.
The Model S was one of the most efficient cars the magazine has ever tested, averaging 74.5 miles per gallon equivalent -- a measure of how far the car goes on an amount of electricity equivalent to the energy in a gallon of gasoline -- during ordinary street driving. Still, the big car can bolt from a standstill to 60 miles an hour in just four seconds, according to Motor Trend's tests.
At the New York City announcement ceremony Tesla CEO Elon Musk said, "This is a point at which the gears of history moved," adding,
"I hope that other automakers will copy us and follow through and do electric cars with more vigor."
To be eligible for Motor Trend's Car of the Year award a vehicle must be, first of all, a car rather than an SUV or truck. The magazine gives separate truck and SUV awards. It also must be either completely new or substantially redesigned for the new model year. In all there were 25 models competing for the award this year.
After testing all the models at the Hyundai/Kia proving grounds in the southwest California desert, the magazine's staffers narrowed the list to just 11 finalists. Those cars were then tested on roads and highways around the town of Tehachapi, Calif. After further debate, the writers and editors selected the winner through a secret ballot.
It's impossible to say if the Model S would have won had it been a standard gasoline-powered luxury car, said McKenzie. That's because it would have been a different car in nearly every respect. Its strong, quiet performance is attributable to its electric motors while its roomy interior is thanks to the design flexibility they provide.
The Model S can hold up to seven people when equipped with an optional pair of rear-facing child seats. Since there is no engine, both the back and front of the car can be used for cargo, giving it functionality very similar to an SUV.
The Model S ranges from $50,000 for a car that can go 160 miles on a charge to almost $100,000 for a richly equipped model that can go 300 miles. It went into production this summer, and by the beginning of October Tesla said it had sold about 250 Model S sedans. It expects to sell about 3,200 by end of this year.
One thing Motor Trend can't promise is that Tesla Model S will be a dependable car over the long haul. Only more exerience with the car will show that.
Also, Tesla Motors (TSLA) is a start-up in an industry that's notoriously hard on newcomers. But that's not what Motor Trend is looking at, said McKenzie.
"It's not auto business plan of the year," he said. To top of page

A look at Road Rage in Canada

Jackie Samuel makes $260 daily Cuddling Strangers....

‘Canada will burn praise Allah’: Vandals deface Toronto war memorial on Remembrance Day

The Victory Peace memorial in Toronto which was vandalized on Remembrance Day. The offensive words, written in black marker, have since been removed.

TORONTO — Police are investigating after a war memorial was vandalized on Remembrance Day in Toronto.

The Victory Peace memorial in Coronation Park was defaced with the words “Canada will burn praise Allah” written in what appeared to be black marker.

City workers were called in to clean the bronze memorial, built in the 1990s.

Someone walking through the park on Sunday noticed the vandalism and reported it to authorities.

Police say they don’t have any suspects at the moment.

The Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations says it condemns the vandalism, calling it “senseless” and “ignorant.”

“We call on witnesses to step forward to assist police in finding the perpetrators of this sacrilege,” Ihsaan Gardee, executive director of the council, said in a statement Monday.

“An act against a Canadian memorial site is an act against our shared history and an act against a sacred space,” Gardee added.


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Seems Legit..

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You know what?... I think I'll just stay home tonight...

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