Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hey Harry, what's your favourite band?

I Hate Hipsters.....

Intended Robbery turns into Rape .... for the Robber...

8 Bizarre Services Around the World

 The woman who charges $60 an hour for spooning

The woman who charges $60 an hour for spooning
It used to be that a hug was a comforting gesture of companionship between friends or lovers but one woman in Penfield, NY has turned cuddling into a business. Jacqueline Samuel, 29, opened The Snuggery in June 2012, a place where, from upwards of $60, clients can snuggle with the petite Master's student in a strictly non-sexual context. 

Sessions of up to 90 minutes take place in a private room while friends and family members mill around the house offering protection from any over-enthusiastic clients. (Link | Via)

 The man who hired someone to slap him in the face when he went off task

The man who hired someone to slap him in the face when he went off task
Like many of us, Maneesh Sethi gets distracted by the Interweb at work and his productivity suffers because of it. But the man has got a pretty unique solution to this problem: he hired someone via Craigslist to slap him in the face if he went off task.

His productivity went from 38% to 98% with the experiment. (Link | Via)

The Japanese men who are seeking more and more ear cleaning parlors The Japanese men who are seeking more and more ear cleaning parlors

Japanese associate ear-cleaning with their childhood and many of them are willing to pay to return to those carefree days if only for just a few minutes. That's what makes ear-cleaning salons one of the most popular businesses in Japan right now.

Ever since Japan authorities decided to deregulate ear-cleaning as a medical profession, making it available without a medical license, hundreds of salons offering the service started popping up all over the country. The vast majority of clients are men looking to relax their minds after a stressful day, and travel back to the days when they used to rest their heads on their mothers' laps for the occasional ear cleaning session. Three out of four clients claim it's so relaxing they actually fall asleep while the kimono-wearing cleaners excavate the wax out of their ears.

Women who want to work in ear-cleaning salons have to become masters of the “mimikaki” (traditional cleaning tool), so they go through a one week course to acquire the proper ear-cleaning skills. They have to learn to remove just the right amount of ear wax, because it protects the ear canal, lubricates it and has antibacterial and antiviral properties. If all the wax is removed the canal is left vulnerable to a variety of outside threats. (Link | Via)

 The company who charges $100 an hour for having your house cleaned by naked maids

The company who charges $100 an hour for having your house cleaned by naked maids
If you've ever asked your significant other to clean in the buff and you were rebuffed — and you happen to live in Texas — think about calling Lubbock Fantasy Maid Service. For $100 per hour, Melissa Borrett, who started the company in February, will clean your house in lingerie or completely topless. For $50 more, you can order two topless maids at the same time.

Despite the inherently sexual nature of naked mopping and dusting, the company's website says, “While we do offer nude maid service, this is not a sexually oriented business.” But the shirtless Swiffering has caught the attention of the Lubbock Police Department, who says the business is in fact sexually oriented, and that it is acting without the proper permit. “Just the fact that employees are topless or semi-nude in this case — it's just not allowed,” Sergeant Jonathan Stewart told KCBD. “Without a permit it would result in a penalty of a $2,000 fine. Each day would result in another penalty,” Stewart said. (Link | Via)

The company that offers hand-written personal notes The company that offers hand-written personal notes

Emails are so common nowadays that they're pretty much the expected form of communication. In fact, it's that way for virtually all occasions, not excluding birthdays and holidays. However, emails can get pretty boring after a while, because no matter what font you choose, the emails are still in a “perfect” computerized writing. This takes away some of the personal touches in writing a letter.

Epistly is a service which lets you send a hand-written letter to whomever you'd like. No, this isn't a delivery service specializing in hand-written letters, but the people at Epistly will hand-write those letters for you. Just enter in your message along with the address, and your recipient will receive that exact message, hand-written, in their physical mailbox. You can even enter in an email address instead, and Epistly will look to see if they have a matching physical address, or they'll go ahead and ask the recipient for a physical address via that email address. Through this service, you can send those personal letters (with a nice touch because it's hand-written) without having to take the time to write it out and mail it. (Via)

The company that offers grandmas for rent The company that offers grandmas for rent

Rent-a-Grandma is a real company in Texas and Virginia. Basically, it's babysitting with a clever if not compelling advertising pitch. The company hires older women with childcare experience to provide in-home care(Link | Via)

 The email service that anonymously notifies about nose hair if you are too shy to do so

The email service that anonymously notifies about nose hair if you are too shy to do so
Some people hesitate to approach people and inform them that they should trim their nose hairs. Why? I have no idea. It appears to be some weird social taboo about commenting on other people's body hair. But now it's not necessary to speak up. Chololi, the nose hair email notification service, will send an anonymous message to someone who needs a reminder. (Link | Via)

 The company that offers a mobile hangover service in a bus

The company that offers a mobile hangover service  in a bus
Hangover Heaven is a pretty simple service to use. The bus runs between 8 AM and 3 PM every day. Once on it, you can choose between two packages. There's Redemption, including intravenous hydration, or Salvation, including intravenous hydration, anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications that have been proven to cure hangover effects, and vitaminsupplementation. Well, you can't really escape the IV, so you've got to go in there prepared for needles. An appointment can be booked through their website or on the phone, and they will come get you. Once the treatment is complete, you will be dropped off at the same place where you were picked up. Other services include coffee and refreshments on request, and iPads withheadphones for entertainment. 

This service would be really appropriate to rent for your bachelor party.
Read more at 

I always knew there was gold at the other end of a rainbow

Front Page News in Boston

Architects ... don't piss them off


Black Friday Shopping FIGHTS Compilation

Black Friday Shopping FIGHTS Shootings, Pepper Spray, and Trampedes seem to be the new normal after stuffing our faces with Turkey. 


I'm turkey wasted right now but I wanted to talk about videos of fights breaking out over discounted cell phones at Walmart hitting the web and also that my dad may have found a kidney donor. The latter of the two being more awesome :)

If you missed any shows this week click here to go to them:

Watch the full Walmart fight video here:

Main point I love yo faces,


America People Act Like Animals at Walmart on Black Friday Fighting Over Phones

The traditional Thanksgiving shopping frenzy ate into the day itself this year with stores throwing open their doors on Thursday evening.  Black Friday - a key date in the two-month holiday season retail splurge - is the chance for stores across the US to turn a profit for the whole year.

Americans have grown more comfortable shopping online, putting pressure on traditional retailers who can make up to 40% of their annual revenue in November and December.  In what has been dubbed "Gray Thursday", Target opened its doors at 9pm, three hours earlier than last year. Sears, which did not open on Thanksgiving last year, opened at 8pm.

When Macy's opened its doors in New York at midnight, 11,000 shoppers showed up.

For some the lure of the potential bargains was enough to make them miss out on Thanksgiving dinner altogether.  Michael Prothero, 19, and his friend Kenny Fullenlove, 20 started camping out on Monday night outside a Best Buy store in Ohio, which was scheduled to open at midnight.

"Better safe than sorry," Mr Prothero said.

However not everyone was happy with the extended Thanksgiving hours.

"It shows that the companies are not valuing their workers. They're looking to their workers to squeeze out more profits," complained Carrie Gleason, director of the union-backed pressure group Retail Action Project.

Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer which owns Asda in the UK, has been one of the biggest targets of protests against holiday hours.

Many of the its stores open 24 hours, but the company was offering early bird specials, once were reserved for Black Friday, at 8pm on Thanksgiving instead.

OUR Walmart, which includes disgruntled former and current workers, planned demonstrations and walkouts at hundreds of stores on Black Friday.

But retailers say they are giving shoppers what they want.

Kathee Tesija from Target said its 9pm opening struck "a perfect balance" for its customers.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to #FromMySideOfTheBar !!!

Celebrating One Year of Serving Up Life, One Shot at a Time

Happy 1st Birthday to #FromMySideOfTheBar

Thank You Viewers!!!

New Procedure that allows Doctors to Change the Color of your eyes permanently

If you've always wanted blue eyes and currently have brown eyes, there may be a procedure to change all of that, should you have lots of money burning a hole in your pocket. That's right, "Dr Gregg Homer, from Stroma Medical in California said his Lumineyes technology uses a laser tuned to a specific frequency to turn brown eyes to blue." Continue reading for a video and more information.

McDonalds Employee Assaults Man with Digital Eye Glass

What is this world coming to when a person is assaulted because someone took offence to their medical prosthetic? That is essentially what happened when Dr. Steve Mann from Toronto, Ontario was on vacation with his family.

Dr. Mann uses a form of “wearable computing” known as an Eye Glass – a prosthetic Augmediated Reality device attached to his head that assists vision. He invented the technology, and while the cybernetic eyeglass-styled implant may seem out of place, he does carry documentation that justifies his use of the device.

But just last month, while on vacation in Paris, France, Dr Mann and his family entered a McDonald’s Restaurant to partake in some international McFood. He let his children practice their french and place their order. He was asked about the Eye Glass device and he provided his documentation. He was not challenged at all, and was served as any regular customer would have. It wasn’t until he was seated that he was approached by 3 staff members at the McDonald’s and was asked to explain the camera device on his face.

Dr Mann produced his documentation and was happy to share his life long work that has already assisted the visually impaired to see. After reviewing the documents, the alleged assailants tore up the papers and then one man, claiming to be a McDonald’s Employee (while concealing his name badge), attempted to grab the glasses off Dr Mann’s face.
The problem with this assault was not just the invasion of personal space, but rather the prosthetic device requires special tools to be removed – it is fully attached to Dr Mann’s head.

The Augmediated Reality device does not ‘record’ exactly, however as part of its imaging process it does contain a small buffer which is constantly overwritten. Fortunately for Dr Mann, when the device was damaged in the assault, the buffered imagery left him with a visual account of the assault, as no new data was being received to overwrite that clip of information. If it hadn’t been damaged, the images would not have been saved and he would have had no evidence of his encounter at all.

The sad part of this story is that the Paris Police did nothing to assist Dr Mann, and McDonalds in France have yet to respond to his contact.

Dr Mann is not attempting to extort McDonald’s over this incident, like someone with coffee that is too hot. He is, however, hoping they will cover the cost to repair his damaged Eye Glass device. He is also suggesting that McDonald’s may want to make a gesture to support Vision Research, and educate their staff on the visually impaired.

McDonald’s has had a longstanding policy against recording devices in their restaurants, fearing people may observe and duplicate trade secrets and procedures, however this seems very extreme. Did the manager have the right to confront Dr Mann about his Eye Glass? Absolutely. Did they have the right to damage his property? Not at all.

Makes you wonder how they might react when Google Glass becomes a reality?

Read more at 

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