Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lady Gaga Smokes Giant Fatty on Stage in Amsterdam

This week in Amsterdam, Lady Gaga picked through fan offerings on stage until she found something she really wanted: A gigantic blunt. The singer took a few hits before launching back into her set, but assured her fans that she was not high because it takes a lot of weed to do that. Cue the pearl clutching.

Gaga says marijuana has been really healthy for her: "I want you to know it has totally changed my life and I've really cut down on drinking. It has been a totally spiritual experience for me with my music."

Uh oh. Is Gaga going to drop a reggae album on us?

Skip ahead to 2:08 that's where the magic happens.

Psy's 'Gagnam Style' Earns More 'Likes' Than Justin Bieber's YouTube Videos

Sorry Beliebers, but a 34-year-old South Korean rapper, not Justin Bieber, now has the most-liked video on YouTube.

Psy's "Gangnam Style" music video now has well over 2.2 million YouTube "likes," making it the most popular (by that metric, anyway) clip on the video sharing website. Millions more people have watched Bieber's videos online. They just weren't all down to click the "like" button when they were finished.

You don't have to speak Korean, or have any interest in K-pop to find yourself captivated by this insanely popular music video. Not since Los del Rio gave us La Macarena has America become so obsessed with a song no one actually understands a word of. Since hitting the Web in July, "Gangnam Style" has become a pop culture phenomenon and racked up over 230 million YouTube views. Psy has recently appeared on Ellen, where he taught Britney Spears how to dance, the Today show, and Extra.

On the off chance you've been deep sea fishing for the past three months, here's the music video.

Thank You for Party Rocking!! Music Sensation "LMFAO" Breaks Up

Sad news for party rockers: LMFAO has broken up.

Now that Sky Blu has done away with his signature 'do, he and his uncle Redfoo are no longer seeing eye-to-eye artistically. These two will be party rocking separately for the time being. 

The spazzier half of the electro-dance duo, Redfoo, told the Associated Press in a phone interview that he and his nephew are no longer making brainless party anthems together.

"I feel like we've been doing this for so long, five or six years. And we're kind of like saying, 'well, let's just do what's natural and just kind of explore that, instead of like forcing it all the time,'" Redfoo said.

A few months back, it was rumored the two were on the path to parting ways over professional jealousy. Sources — unnamed, natch — claimed Sky Blu wasn't happy that Redfoo was making more money than him for professional appearances and production work with other artists.

Don't worry: These guys aren't going to completely fade from your radar. At least Redfoo isn't: He's at work on a song for the New England Patriots. 

And he's still cool with Sky Blu: "I think that we naturally just started hanging with two different sets of people, two different crowds, but we're always family. He'll always be my nephew, I'll always be his uncle."

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Columbia's Most Wanted Drug Lord: Captured!!

One of Colombia's most-wanted drug lords changed his appearance through repeated plastic surgeries before he was captured in Venezuela while making a call from a public payphone, Venezuela's justice minister said Wednesday.

Daniel Barrera was handcuffed as he was led from a truck to a waiting helicopter Wednesday to be flown from the southwestern city of San Cristobal to the Venezuelan capital of Caracas.

The 50-year-old Barrera was captured Tuesday after Colombian officials, who had been working with U.S. and British authorities, notified Venezuela that Barrera was making a call from one of dozens of public phones being monitoring in the area, Venezuelan Justice Minister Tareck El Aissami said at a news conference.

The arrest of the man known as "El Loco," or "The Madman," was announced Tuesday evening by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, who called Barrera "the last of the great capos."

Barrera had been in Venezuela since 2008 and owned ranches worth millions of dollars, Colombia's National Police director, Gen. Jose Roberto Leon, said at a news conference in Washington.

Leon said Barrera had been posing as a cattle rancher and when detained was carrying a fake passport with the name Jose Tomas Lucumi that also said he was a resident of the Colombian city of Cali.

Leon said the British intelligence service MI-6 had provided "special training and technology" that helped make the capture possible. He said he had traveled to MI-6's headquarters last week, and that on Tuesday he went to Washington, where he received "another important contribution" from the CIA that allowed authorities to launch the operation to capture Barrera.

Various informants helped the authorities find Barrera, and a reward of about $2.5 million will be paid, Leon said. He noted that U.S. authorities had also offered $5 million for information leading to his arrest.

U.S. and Colombian officials have alleged that Barrera's gang supplies cocaine to Mexico's Sinaloa cartel, which ships drugs to the United States.

El Aissami called it Venezuela's "most important blow" against drug trafficking to date and said Venezuelan authorities had been monitoring 69 public payphones since Colombia alerted them Aug. 6 that Barrera was thought to be in the area.

U.S. officials have frequently accused Venezuelan authorities of not doing enough to curb drug trafficking, and have said that most of the drug flights ferrying cocaine northward from South America leave from Venezuela.

U.S.-Venezuelan counter-drug cooperation has been sharply scaled back since 2005, when Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suspended cooperation with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and accused it of being a front for espionage.

Venezuelan government officials said Barrera's arrest shows their commitment to counter-drug efforts. El Aissami also criticized a recent report by President Barack Obama's government that accused Venezuela of failing to meet its obligations in fighting the drug trade.

Nigerian man raped to death by six wives

A Nigerian man was killed by his six wives after they forced him to have sexual intercourse with them all, the Daily Post has reported.
The man, Uroko Onoja, reportedly married six women after he became rich.
Five of the wives came at Onoja with knives and sticks in jealousy after seeing him entering his youngest wife's room to demand that he have sex with all of them, according to reports.
Onoja reportedly stopped breathing when he was going to bed with the fifth wife after having had sex with four of his other wives.
The five ran away after they saw that he had died, according to the youngest wife.
“Suddenly, my husband stopped breathing, and they all ran out, still laughing, but when they saw that I could not resuscitate him, they all ran into the forest," the youngest wife said. 

Two of the wives were arrested by police and the others are still being sought, the report said

Man Rapes Duck in Turkey (No Pics) .................. ...#GetMeOffThisPlanet

A man was detained in Bursa province in Turkey’s Marmara region for allegedly raping a duck, daily Habertürk reported.

Police forces detained the man following complaints from his inlaws, who claimed he had raped one of their ducks during an overnight stay in their house.

The man’s father-in-law said he found "feathers and blood" in a bed with the duck.

The duck was "unable to walk," according to the father-in-law. The man’s mother-in-law told daily Habertürk she later discovered the man’s bloody shirt by a tree the next morning.

The 50 year-old suspect denied all accusations, calling them all "slander."

The duck was found to have suffered deformation and damage to its intestines and underwent several operations. It is now reportedly in good condition and remains in a vetrenarian’s care. 

Original Article

Mexican Drug Cartels vs. Mitt Romney's Mormon Family

Words from Voltaire

130 prisoners are on the run in Mexico after a mass breakout from a jail close to the US border

More than 130 prisoners are on the run in Mexico after a mass breakout from a jail close to the US border.

The inmates escaped through a tunnel dug out from the prison's carpentry workshop to a perimeter fence.

The prison director and two other employees are being held over the incident at the facility in Coahuila, the state's attorney general said. The inmates escaped through a tunnel dug out from the prison's carpentry workshop to a perimeter fence.

A massive manhunt is under way, and the US authorities are on alert in case any escapees attempt to cross the border.

Some 132 men managed to escape from the prison in the city of Piedras Negras, which borders Eagle Pass in Texas to the north.

One by one, the inmates fled through a tunnel measuring 2.9m (9.5 ft) deep and 7m long, attorney general Homero Ramos said in a statement broadcast on local TV.

The state government has offered rewards of 200,000 pesos ($15,600; £9,600) for information leading to the arrest of each prisoner.

This is not the first time such a mass breakout has taken place in Coahuila, but it is by far one of the biggest in recent years, says the BBC's Will Grant in Mexico City.

Such events only go to underline further to the incoming government of President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto the dire state of the prison system in Mexico, our correspondent says.

Mr Pena Nieto is to take office on 1 December. However, prison reform is not expected to be one of the main priorities of his government

Monday, September 17, 2012

French Magazine publishes Nude Pictures of Kate Middleton the Duchess of Cambridge and Future Queen of England

This publication by French Magazine “CLOSER” is causing a ruckus in the UK royal family. On Friday September 14th the French magazine published a five-page splash of photos showing the Duchess of Cambridge,Kate Middleton, sunbathing topless with Prince William in the south of France.

A royal spokesperson called it a “grotesque” saying “Their Royal Highnesses have been hugely saddened to learn that a French publication and a photographer have invaded their privacy in such a grotesque and totally unjustifiable manner. He explained that the privacy of the Royal family was infringed upon, saying “Their Royal Highnesses had every expectation of privacy in the remote house. It is unthinkable that anyone should take such photographs, let alone publish them.”

  Closer is published by Mondadori(MOED.MI), an Italian company partly owned by former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and chaired by his daughter Marina. It would likely lose any legal case over invasion of privacy, although profits from the issue would likely far exceed any fine faced, probably just a few thousand euros.

Canned Air Now Available in China!!

Chen Guangbiao 

China's most high-profile philanthropist, Chen Guangbiao, made another splash over the weekend by announcing he will set up mobile boutiques in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to sell canned fresh air starting today, September 17.

Chen said he specially chose to sell the air before the World Car-Free Day, which is September 22, to heighten public awareness on environmental protection and the importance of clean air.

The first batch of 100,000 cans of "Chen Guangbiao Good Man" air will be sold at 4 yuan (63 US cents) to 5 yuan each, according to China National Radio. He said he would donate 0.10 yuan to charity for every can sold.

Many people, however, wrote Internet posts questioning the ownership of air and Chen's right to sell it.

Wait a second.... this looks really familiar .... I think Spaceballs beat you to it Mr. Guangbiao.

According to Chen, the CEO of a resource recycling company, each can of fresh air collected from provinces and regions with little pollution, such as Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet in southwest and northwest China.

He said he is confident about its marketing prospects, since people in big cities inhale air mixed with vehicle exhaust every day and the fresh canned air is good for people's health, he said over the weekend in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province at an event promoting environmental protection.

Chen (left) used a hammer to smash an electric moped (would have made more sense if he smashed something with an internal combustion engine, but then agian it`s not my protest) with a lead acid storage battery, to draw attention to lead pollution, and talked about his canned air, according to China News Service.

Chen said the air is put into pull-tag cans he invented, with a chip in each can. The air is not compressed - he said his staff need only swing their hands three times to push the air into the can. When there is enough air, the chip will make the cap close automatically, he said.

He said each can contains negative ions like the oxygen from cylinders for medical uses.

"Open the can and three deep breaths will allow you to have a good mood and a clear mind," he said.

Chen's idea of selling fresh air received some negative feedback online as many said he was just showing off, like when he sings while handing out sheep, pigs and tractors to poor farmers.

Many microblog users said Chen is crazy to sell air since air can't be sold because it doesn't belong to anyone. Smashing the moped also was criticized since it is an economical means of transportation used by workers, and many said Chen should target bigger polluters.

To read more visit:

What`s next? canned farts? 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Bar fight You'd want to avoid

The Godhand aka Choi Yeong-eui, later changed to Masutatsu Oyama

Masutatsu Oyama was born in Korea in 1927 and later moved to Japan, where he studied karate. Unlike most famous martial artists, Oyama is not famous for his movie roles, where stunt men and clever editing can make anyone look like a badass.

No, Oyama preferred a different sort of theater. He used to have live public demonstrations where he would fight and kill a bull with his bare hands. Just because it bears repeating, let's write that again: He could kill a bull with his hands. If you want to know how idiotically hard that is, we cordially invite you to go out and punch a bull in the face. Go on, we'll wait here. OK, we're not really waiting since whoever just went out to try that isn't coming back.

All in all, Oyama fought and killed 52 bulls, three of which were killed instantly with one blow. Forty-nine had their horns chopped off with karate blows. He gained the nickname of The Godhand and was considered the living manifestation of the Japanese warrior's maxim "One strike, certain death."
If you're thinking his skills only worked against livestock, you should know that Oyama once tested himself in a kumite, a series of two-minute fights against different opponents, each of which you must win to continue. Oyama took on 300 men over the course of three days. According to some, the only reason it didn't reach 400 was because opponents started to get tired of getting punched in the face.

There have been three movies made based on his life: Champion of Death, Karate Bearfighter, and Karate for Life. That's right, there exists in the world a movie based on an actual man's life that wound up with the title Karate Bearfighter. Why? Because it's probable Oyama actually fought a goddamn bear once, and that bear is buried in a shallow grave covered in dirt and the tears of his relatives as we speak.

Read more: 7 People From Around the World With Real Mutant Superpowers |

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