Saturday, September 22, 2012

Psy's 'Gagnam Style' Earns More 'Likes' Than Justin Bieber's YouTube Videos

Sorry Beliebers, but a 34-year-old South Korean rapper, not Justin Bieber, now has the most-liked video on YouTube.

Psy's "Gangnam Style" music video now has well over 2.2 million YouTube "likes," making it the most popular (by that metric, anyway) clip on the video sharing website. Millions more people have watched Bieber's videos online. They just weren't all down to click the "like" button when they were finished.

You don't have to speak Korean, or have any interest in K-pop to find yourself captivated by this insanely popular music video. Not since Los del Rio gave us La Macarena has America become so obsessed with a song no one actually understands a word of. Since hitting the Web in July, "Gangnam Style" has become a pop culture phenomenon and racked up over 230 million YouTube views. Psy has recently appeared on Ellen, where he taught Britney Spears how to dance, the Today show, and Extra.

On the off chance you've been deep sea fishing for the past three months, here's the music video.

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