Friday, November 9, 2012

RMR: Rick's Rant - China Trade Agreement

You Don't need Condoms when you got Swag

Racist high school Sports Team Name

Walmart Greeter Beatdown (Caught on Tape)

Brian gets a new Phone Number

I`ve always wondered ....

iShit from Apple

Oh how the times have changed.... they might be right though...

4.0 is Just a Number

Jesus Clearing the table at the Last Supper

The difference between men and women

When You See it you will shit bricks

I'll take a Small Baby and a Diet Coke Please..

Pirating Movies Saves Lives

it's not racist if you're Betty White

Longest Password Ever

2 Girls - 1 Cup

Ghostbusters Easter Special


Two things on this man's father's day list

I took their jobs!!

You have a Waterslide in your Fucking Closet!!!! Me First!!

I don't have ex's i have Y's

#HowTo : Keep Paint off the sides of the Paint Can while using a Brush

#HowTo : Organic way to fix damaged wooden furniture

#HowTo : Store Leftover Wrapping Paper

#HowTo : Safely store your Cleaning Supplies Away from Children

#HowTo : Clear up hazy Headlights on your vehicle

#HowTo : Open plastic packaging without a knife or cutting yourself

#HowTo : Save Flip Flops with split holes

#HowTo : Your Kid falls out of bed alot?

#HowTo : Almost Free Dust Pan

#HowTo : Conceal Important items safely in your beach bag

#HowTo : Turn an old bottle into a mobile phone charger cord horder

#HowTo : Clean a clogged Shower Head

#HowTo : Easily Find Tiny Items on the Floor

#HowTo : Fill a container with water that doesn't fit in the sink

Tips to help you stay out of Jail

Can you hold your signs higher we can't read them while they are covering your boner

A reason to attend an Electronic Music Festival Next Summer

Sceptical third world kid is cashing out

Dad ...

These White Motherfuckers....

I see a pole and body glitter in her future

Meanwhile in Colorado....

Where you can smoke Weed in the USA

Major Snowstorm to Hit Winnipeg Manitoba on Saturday November 10, 2012

a midget and a lesbian walk into a bar....

Pot watchers in B.C. focus on Washington and other states after legalizing marijuana

While Barack Obama and Mitt Romney make most of the U.S. election headlines, a referendum in Washington state may have a more profound effect on British Columbians.

The multibillion-dollar B.C. bud industry is watching carefully as Washington, Oregon and Colorado vote on whether to legalize marijuana.

Pot watchers believe Washington stands the best chance of legalizing the drug, which would immediately affect B.C.’s growers and exporters as well as the ongoing campaign to decriminalize marijuana in B.C.

“It’s likely there’s going to be pretty significant changes,” SFU criminology professor Neil Boyd said if Washingtonians legalize pot. “There is a big gap between the science and the marijuana laws.

“For most people in most cases, it’s much less problematic than alcohol, tobacco, or many prescription drugs.

“It’s probably a more useful drug than many of the drugs that stores are selling.”

Jodie Emery, a pot activist along with her husband Marc, said she believes the three states are now leading Canada, once thought of as a leader in pot reform.

“People always said we couldn’t legalize pot in Canada without the U.S. doing it, too,” she said. “Now, the U.S. is leading the way.”

Emery said the sickening cycle of drug-related violence is turning the public tide.

“It’s not so much a pro-pot message anymore – it’s an anti-prohibition message,” she said.

“Prohibition is making gangsters rich.

“The momentum is really growing,”

Dana Larsen hopes a win in Washington will help his current campaign to put pot decriminalization to a B.C.-wide vote in September 2014.

“I think it’ll have a huge effect if Washington does,” said Larsen, whose “Sensible B.C.” campaign will be heading out into the street next September, hoping to have the same effect the anti-HST forces did in forcing a public vote.

“That will have a big impact in the United States, Canada, and British Columbia.”

Survey results released last week show that three out of four British Columbians now support the decriminalization of marijuana.

The influential “Stop the Violence B.C.” lobby group has recruited politicians of all stripes to advocate for marijuana reform, focusing in on the needless loss of life due to the ongoing war for control of the super-lucrative B.C. drug trade.

Estimates of the value of B.C.’s marijuana crop range from $6 million to $8 billion — much of it destined for export south of the border.

In B.C., Washington, and Oregon, there is a divide of sorts.

Urban voters tend to support decriminalization/legalization, while marijuana reform tends to be a tougher sell in more conservative rural areas.

Also in Washington state, voters decided the state will join a growing list of jurisdictions where gay marriage is legal.

Vancouver initially became a major destination for gay couples to marry when it legalized same-sex marriage, but its importance and popularity as a gay-marriage destination has declined as legalization has spread to many other prominent cities and regions.


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