Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Which countries have the largest and smallest Penises in the World (Map Included)

Map making is a serious business. Without the appropriate maps you could end up driving for hours in the wrong direction or you could find yourself in a country where the average penis size is too large or small for your comfort level.
Luckily for all of those travellers who like to plan vacations around the average penis size of local populations, TargetMap has released an interactive world map that gives you a visual of just how large or small penises all over the globe are. Below are some of the highlights:
Countries with the smallest penises:

-South Korea: 3.8 inches
-India, Cambodia, and Thailand: 4 inches
-China and Japan: 4.3 inches
Countries with the largest penises:
-Congo: 7.1 inches
-Canada: 7.4 inches
-Ecuador: 6.9 inches
-Colombia, Ghana, and Venezuela : 6.7 inches
-United States of America: 4.9 inches
-Australia, Russia, and Armenia: 5.2 inches
-Ireland, Mongolia, and Yemen: 5 inches

To learn more about the penises in your community, check out the map of penis sizes for U.S. cities and states.

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