Friday, August 31, 2012

Samsung pays Apple $1 Billion sending 30 trucks full of 5 cent coins

This morning more than 30 trucks filled with 5-cent coins arrived at Apple’s headquarters in California. Initially, the security company that protects the facility said the trucks were in the wrong place, but minutes later, Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO explaining that they will pay $1 billion dollars for the fine recently ruled against the South Korean company in this way.

The funny part is that the signed document does not specify a single payment method, so Samsung is entitled to send the creators of the iPhone their billion dollars in the way they deem best.

This dirty but genius geek troll play is a new headache to Apple executives as they will need to put in long hours counting all that money, to check if it is all there and to try to deposit it crossing fingers to hope a bank will accept all the coins.

Lee Kun-hee, Chairman of Samsung Electronics, told the media that his company is not going to be intimidated by a group of “geeks with style” and that if they want to play dirty, they also know how to do it.

You can use your coins to buy refreshments at the little machine for life or melt the coins to make computers, that’s not my problem, I already paid them and fulfilled the law.

A total of 20 billion coins, delivery hope to finish this week.

Let’s see how Apple will respond to this.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mr. President Welcome to Reddit .... Do you Like Cats?

Obama AMA on ruins Afternoon Redditing for Users Only Interested in Cats

Was Looking for This.....

But Then I Got This....

How I Feel....

‘Fake Science’ Textbook Banned in Houston Schools Because it Mocks the District’s ‘Quality of Education’

Teachers in Houston have reportedly been prohibited from purchasing a book full of obviously fake science facts for use in their class because of concerns that it mocks the school district.

In a Houston Independent School District memo to teachers obtained by the Houston Press blog Hair Balls, a request to use Fake Science 101 as an "alternative textbook" is refused on the grounds that "it will reflect poorly on the district."

The memo continues:

A book like that may be intended humorously, but it is mocking the quality of education in our district.

We cannot have our district ridiculed as a non-scientific one (see many Westinghouse/Intel awardees). This book is not permissable for you to distribute or your students to have. Our textbooks are not "fake" and no textbook should give that impression. It would negatively impact students.

Fake Science has long been a quality source of "brilliantly false" scientifically-flavored information that no one in their right mind would mistake for fact.

A spokesman for the district told Hair Balls he had not seen the memo in question, but agreed that "spending taxpayer funds on what you've described as a 'spoof' publication with little or no educational value would be difficult to defend at a time when schools are losing state funding."

For his part, Fake Science 101 author Phil Edwards thinks the book is a great conversation starter and also "encourages the skeptical thinking that makes science work." He adds: "That thinking shouldn't be prohibited."

Here is a link to the Text Book's website

This Is What It’s Like to Fly in the World’s Fanciest First Class Cabin

A YouTuber who seized an opportunity to fly First Class aboard a Emirates Airbus A380 brought his Canon pocket camera along for the ride.

The airline's private "sleeper" suites are world-renowned for their luxury — closing doors, a fully reclining seat, a mini-bar, fancy food, and access to a shower-equipped spa-style bathroom — and Volterrific made sure sample all the accommodations had to offer.

As for how he could afford such an amazing experience, Volterrific says he only paid $550 for a one-way first class ticket from Bangkok to Hong Kong.

"It's cheap because the flight is short, about 3 hours," he writes. "This may be the shortest A380 segment flown be any airline operating that aircraft."

Monday, August 27, 2012

Reminder: Guild Wars 2

For the longest time the mmorpg scene has been dominated by World of Warcraft. Blizzard's multi million dollar social life destroyer has claimed millions of hours of nerds time, as well as been an effective source of population control by keeping virgins the way they are. The grind based, 'holy trinity(Tank, healer DPS) model has also dominated the mmo market for the last decade, with other companies being too cowardly to try anything new. Now we have guild wars 2. When the original Guild Wars came out it went the complete opposite direction from WOW, being geared towards casual gamers, and having no subscription fees. 2 introduces a world with complete freedom of exploration, with a random events system designed to make the world more engaging, and crisp graphics with great gameplay mechanics. The developers hope it will challenge and hopefully break the rule of WOW over the mmo world and to that i say best of luck.

Dr Guevara

Phillip Defranco Show August 27th, 2012


Fossilized human finger, ancient sandal and Martian animal: UFO hunters spot 'evidence of life' on Red Planet in Curiosity Rover's footage

  • UFO hunters claim to have spotted lights in the Martian sky
  • One web user believes he spotted ancient human finger and overturned shoe on Mars' surface 
  • Experts insist they are nothing more than blemishes on the camera

Since Nasa’s mission to Mars got under way on August 6, the Curiously Rover has beamed some astonishing images back to Earth that have left scientists and amateur star-gazers alike scratching their heads and envisioning UFOs.
But even seasoned alien watchers were puzzled when the rover making its way through the Red Planet send back the image of what appeared to be a fossilized human finger.

YouTube user StephenHannardADGUK, part of a group called Alien Disclosure UK, who had caused a stir on the Internet last week after pointing out white ‘flying objects’ zooming across the Martian sky called attention to a collection of ‘mysterious’ items he spotted in a video from Gale Crater.

Ancient digit: A YouTube user claimed that the rover stumbled upon an ancient, fossilized human finger, which in reality is likely just a rock
Ancient digit: A YouTube user claimed that the rover stumbled upon an ancient, fossilized human finger, which in reality is likely just a rock
Martian footwear: Another rock that caught the attention of the UFO enthusiast made him think of a long-forgotten shoe or sandal on the surface of the Red Planet
Martian footwear: Another rock that caught the attention of the UFO enthusiast made him think of a long-forgotten shoe or sandal on the surface of the Red Planet

‘Mars Curiosty(sp) captures a possible ancient finger, a dome shaped object, a shoe or sandal and a possible Martian creature,’ Hannard wrote in the video description. ‘Are these anomalies real, tricks of the light or something else, as always you decide.’

The image shows what appears to be a rock shaped like a digit with a faint outline at one end that vaguely resembles a fingernail. Another rock found nearby resembles an overturned sandal, and a crevice on another geological formation looks like a smiling Martian critter, NBC reported.

Nasa, however, has so far made no ground-breaking announcements regarding the discovery of life forms – or Martian footwear, for that matter - on the Red Planet, leaving UFO enthusiasts guessing and wondering.

On August 18, Hannard posted footage in which he applied a series of filters to a Curiosity, revealing what he claimed to be four objects resembling flying saucers hovering in the sky.

Martian life form: An image of a rock with a crevice in the middle vaguely resembles a grinning extra-terrestrial critter
Martian life form: An image of a rock with a crevice in the middle vaguely resembles a grinning extra-terrestrial critter
‘Four objects caught by Mars Curiosity, very difficult to make out on original image so I have used a few filters to highlight,’ he said in the video description. ‘What are these four objects? UFOs, Dust particles, or something else? As always you decide.’
Experts, however, came out saying that the four ‘objects’ are actually just dead pixels in the rover's CCD camera — single points in the camera's imager that have lost functionality and register as white.
Marc D'Antonio, a photo and video analyst for MUFON [Mutual UFO Network], told Huffington Post, ‘I fully concur at this point that these are dead pixels on the imager. All CCD (cameras) have them, and in a bland atmosphere like that at Mars, they would be very obvious as opposed to an active atmosphere like Earth, where they could end up hidden for a long time before anyone noticed them.’
UFO or camera snafu: The same relentless web user posted footage in which he applied a series of filters to a Curiosity image, revealing what he claimed to be four objects resembling flying saucers
UFO or camera snafu: The same relentless web user posted footage in which he applied a series of filters to a Curiosity image, revealing what he claimed to be four objects resembling flying saucers
Theory debunked: Experts came out saying that the four 'saucers' are actually just dead pixels in the rover's camera
Theory debunked: Experts came out saying that the four 'saucers' are actually just dead pixels in the rover's camera
The YouTube video - posted by a Stephen Hannard - puts the photograph through many different filters to try to find more clues as to their existence
The YouTube video - posted by a Stephen Hannard - puts the photograph through many different filters to try to find more clues as to their existence. A fourth blob can be seen to the top of this image

Just two days after the rover touched down on Mars, back to Earth caused many UFO hunters to perk up. It seemed that Nasa has itself captured something very strange on camera, including a strange white light dancing across the horizon of the red planet, and four blobs hovering in the sky

While the images are certainly a curiosity, Nasa and photography experts insist that these are nothing more than blemishes on the images, picked up by the camera lens sitting on the rover at a distance of 350 million miles away.

So what are the Mars anomalies? View the videos below:

1) Some internet users claim to be able to see a speck of light rapidly traversing the Martian horizon on the images below
It may not look like much, but on the dry and barren Mars landscape, any movement is unexpected - so what is this light which apparently lifts itself off the ground? 
It may not look like much, but on the dry and barren Mars landscape, any movement is unexpected - so what is this light which apparently lifts itself off the ground?
2) It may not look like much, but on the dry and barren Mars landscape, any movement is unexpected - and some claim to be able to see a light which apparently lifts itself off the ground below
It may not look like much, but on the dry and barren Mars landscape, any movement is unexpected - so what is this light which apparently lifts itself off the ground? 
3) On some returned images from the Curiosity, strange pinpoints appear in the sky - are they spaceships, or just abnormalities on the camera?
So far, Nasa has not commented on any of the strange sightings, but alien hunters have suggested these are alien ships monitoring our baby steps into the universe.
Curiosity, a six-wheeled vehicle the size of a compact car, landed inside a vast, ancient impact crater near Mars' equator on August 6 after an eight-month, 354-million-mile voyage through space.
Earlier this week , the rover was seen wiggling its wheels back and fourth during final checks before it sets off across the surface of Mars.
Engineers at mission control have been running a series of tests before the one-ton vehicle's first drive which is expected in the next couple of days.
The Martian motor was also shown flexing its extending robotic arm for the first time. The 7-foot-long (2.1-meter-long) arm maneuvers a turret of tools including a camera, a drill, a spectrometer, a scoop and mechanisms for sieving and portioning samples of powdered rock and soil.
The Mars rover Curiosity zapped its first rock on Sunday with a high-powered laser gun designed to analyze Martian mineral content, and scientists declared their target practice a success.
The robotic science lab aimed its laser beam at the fist-sized stone nearby and shot the rock with 30 pulses over a 10-second period, NASA said in a statement issued from mission control at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory near Los Angeles.

The strange shimmering lights seen by Curiosity: 
The original image from the NASA website: The 'UFOs' are faint in this image, but observable through adjusting the contrast and brightness
The original image from the NASA website: The 'UFOs' are faint in this image, but observable through adjusting the contrast and brightness
A close-up of the blobs: Are these glitches in the images - or something a bit more exciting?
A close-up of the blobs: Are these glitches in the images - or something a bit more exciting?
A close-up of the blobs: Are these glitches in the images - or something a bit more exciting?
Decide for yourself: UFOs or dead pixels? 

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