Thursday, July 26, 2012

In Sweden, Taking File Sharing to Heart. And to Church.

STOCKHOLM — People almost everywhere are file sharing these days, using computers to download music, films, books or other materials, often ignoring copyrights. In Sweden, however, it is a religion. Really.
Isak Gerson, left, and Gustav Nipe of the newly registered Church of Kopimism, whose central dogma is that file sharing is sacred.

Even as this Scandinavian country, like other nations across Europe, bows to pressure from big media concerns to stop file sharing, a Swedish government agency this year registered as a bona fide religion a church whose central dogma is that file sharing is sacred.
“For me it is a kind of believing in deeper values than worldly values,” said Isak Gerson, a philosophy student at Uppsala University who helped found the church in 2010 and bears the title chief missionary. “You have it in your backbone.”
Kopimism — the name comes from a Swedish spelling of the words “copy me” — claims more than 8,000 faithful who have signed up on the church’s Web site. It has applied for the right to perform marriages and to receive subsidies awarded to religious organizations by the state, and it has bid, thus far unsuccessfully, to buy a church building, even though most church activities are conducted online.
As regular church attendance drops among the 9.4 million Swedes, the Church of Sweden has been selling off disused churches, but it has not yet responded to the Kopimist bid.
“We have something similar to regular priests,” said Mr. Gerson, 20, who claims a permanent link to the divine through a Nokia smartphone. “We call them ops, or operators, and their task is to help people with things like meetings. There are not that many rituals. We are a tolerant community.”
Asked whether he believed in God, Mr. Gerson replied: “No, I just believe in our values. It’s just a belief in holy values.”
The Kopimists rose out of Europe’s growing piracy movement, which was born in Sweden about a decade ago. In elections to the European Parliament in 2009, the country’s Pirate Party got 7.1 percent of the vote, though in national elections the next year its share plummeted to less than 1 percent.
The movement has spread abroad, to at least nine European countries. In May, Germany’s Pirate Party won almost 8 percent of the vote in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state; in Berlin last year, it won 8.9 percent in elections to the state Parliament.
But Kopimists like Mr. Gerson, the son of a Jewish father and a Christian mother, insist that the church does not sully its hands with politics, though they admit that the line between politics and religion can be elusive.
“Look at the United States, in the primaries, the importance of religion, or in the Middle East,” said Gustav Nipe, another church founder. Mr. Nipe, 23, who studied economics, illustrates the thin line — he is chairman of both the Kopimist Church and the Pirate Party’s youth group.
Mr. Nipe, whose parents are churchgoing Christians, emphasizes with his coreligionists that Kopimism’s purpose is not to directly promote illegal file sharing, but rather to focus on the values of sharing information.
“I think we see it as a theological remix,” Mr. Gerson said. “Christianity took from Judaism and turned it into something new, and the Muslims did the same. We are part of a tradition.”
The government has no problem with that tradition, as long as its adherents do not break the law.
“It is our responsibility to register religious communities that fulfill certain criteria,” said Mareta Grondal, an official at the government agency that registered the church. “We do not look into how communities act in a practical way.”
A religious community is recognized, Ms. Grondal said, if it fulfills certain requirements, like writing a charter and filing it with the agency, electing a governing board and paying an annual fee, now about $70. The Kopimist request for registration was twice refused on technicalities before being granted.
“The government cannot, should not interfere with what people believe in,” Ms. Grondal said. “That would be a dangerous path to take.” But the government has been interfering with what people do of late, and shows few signs of allowing religious freedom to justify copyright infringement.
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Funny Cop Story

Yoda Origami

Discovery About Pop Music

Being one of many who don't enjoy modern day pop music, I always argue with any friend of mine who is into pop music, I mean let's face it, it all sounds the same. Now recently scientists in Spain did a study of this, according to Reuters. Using a data archive of music recorded from 1955 to 2010 scientists have determined that pop music has been getting louder, and that in musical has pretty much become inferior in every way. There is less instrument variety and songs have become intrinsically louder and have a blander chord progresssions. According to artificial intelligence specialist Joan Serra," We found evidence of a progressive homogenization of the musical discourse.In particular, we obtained numerical indicators that the diversity of transitions between note combinations - roughly speaking chords plus melodies - has consistently diminished in the last 50 years."

Dr Guevara

1: Wickham, "Pop music is too load and all sounds the same:official."

Carly Rae Jepsen Sex Tape Leaked

Alleged Carly Rae Jepsen Sex Tape Leaked onto Web 

Foppish blogger Perez Hilton caused quite a stir this morning when he posted photo stills from a an orally-leaning sex tape with a female fellatiator who he said 'sure looks like pop diva Carly Rae Jepsen.
For our sake, we're inclined to believe Carly Rae, partly because we don't know much about her, given that she's Bieber connected, we are scared of her cooties for one, second, the last time a reader sent us 'Carly Rae Jepsen' naughty pics, they turned out to be an adult film doppleganger and not Carly. Burn us once, and all that. And we hardly trust Perez Hilton as a validating source.
Nevertheless, since you guys have been emailing us all day about this, take a look and decide for yourself.
(Thanks to a million and one EgoReaders for the video link.)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

TED:The Truth Behind Social Awkwardness

As a man who is an introvert i feel it necessary to let people know, there is a social stigma to being an introvert. In case I have gotten ahead of myself here let me explain. We see two main personality types when it comes to human behaviors, the extravert and the introvert. Extraverts are people who externalise their thoughts, living in the 'outside world' so to speak, and introverts live in the 'inside world' and internalize their thoughts. Here's a chart that gives a basic view of the differences between the two types of personality.

Dr Guevara

1:  Sword, Leslie. Copyright, 2002. www.talentdevelop/com. "The Gifted Introvert."
2: Cain, Susan, TEDtalks.

Speaking of Tolkien, Here's Gandalf The Stoned

Tolkien's Great Epic

Starting today we here at From My Side Of The Bar will be doing occasional book reviews. Reading is a useful activity for stimulating your brain, and reading even a little bit will help fight mental disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease. Now For the book to be reviewed, The Silmarillion by J.R.R Tokien famous for his books The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings, both of which have been adapted into movies. For the fans of Middle Earth, there is another book in the same series, and that is The Silmarillion. The Silmarillion narrates the creation of Middle Earth, as well as the First Age, when the Elves fought the original Dark Lord, Morgoth. Great battles and heroes, strange creatures, and magic are all in here, and lets face it, fantasy is in style these days.

Dr Guevara



Don't miss the ark!

Jade's 2012 Roughrider Gallery: Part 1

Jade Duckett and Lisa Swallow 
photos courtesy of Lisa Swallow

Jade and Terry Duckett with the Grey Cup picture courtesy and the Purolator Tackle Hunger Program the Grey Cup appears courstesy of the CFL hall of fame and their generous efforts in cooporation with the CFL, Purolator and the CFL's 8 member clubs to support local food banks 

Dirty Deeds: Iranian nuclear program hit by 'AC/DC virus'?

Iranian nuclear facilities have reportedly been attacked by a “music” virus, turning on lab PCs at night and blasting AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck.”

Mikko Hypponen, Chief Researcher at Finnish digital security firm F-secure, publicly released a letter he received from an unnamed Iranian scientist. The researcher, who claimed to work for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said that another virus has struck the Natanz uranium enrichment facility in central Iran and a secret underground research facility at Fordo, southwest of Tehran.
The letter’s author reported that the virus shut down equipment (made by Germany’s Siemens Corporation) and automated systems at both research centers.
Hypponen published the letter on his blog, but cautioned that there is no way for him to verify the accusations. He was able to confirm, however, that the letter did originate from the AEOI’s servers.
The letter, which was reportedly sent to various cybersecurity experts, said that Metasploit’s Penetration Testing Software had been used to direct this new attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
The scientist stressed that he is not a cybersecurity specialist, and does not have detailed information on the virus.
“There was also some music playing randomly on several of the workstations during the middle of the night with the volume maxed out. I believe it was playing ‘Thunderstruck’ by AC/DC,” the scientist wrote.
If true, this attack is the third hacking attempt aimed at Tehran’s controversial nuclear program. In 2010, the state-of-the-art Stuxnet virus set Iran’s nuclear ambitions back by at least two years.
In May 2012, experts at Russia’s Kaspersky Laboratories exposed another Trojan virus called Flame, which was designed to spy on web activity in Iran and some Middle Eastern countries. Russian cybersecurity experts labeled Flame “probably the most complicated virus ever.”
Iran claimed to have found a way to neutralize Flame.

Dark Knight Massacre, The Tragedy of Aurora

On the midnight premiere of 'The Dark Knight Rises", a lone gunman walked into a theater armed with an assault rifle, a shotgun and two handguns and opened fire into the crowd.  Fifty eight people were injured, and the deaths have gone up to twelve, this also makes the Aurora shooting the worst mass shooting to ever occur in US history. Police have arrested  a suspect, James Holmes, an honors student at the University of California.  Police report that the suspect would refer to himself as 'The Joker,'  the iconic villain from the previous Dark Knight film,  also the role that killed actor Heath Ledger. Holt would dye his hair red to better look like the Joker. police report he is no complying with them. We at From My Side Of The Bar would like to send our sympathies to the families of the victims of this incident.

Dr Guevara

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