Saturday, September 29, 2012

US Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with 'radioactive' particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology

The United States Military conducted top secret experiments on the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri, for years, exposing them to radioactive compounds, a researcher has claimed.

While it was known that the government sprayed 'harmless' zinc cadmium silfide particles over the general population in St Louis, Professor Lisa Martino-Taylor, a sociologist at St. Louis Community College, claims that a radioactive additive was also mixed with the compound.

She has accrued detailed descriptions as well as photographs of the spraying which exposed the unwitting public, predominantly in low-income and minority communities, to radioactive particles.

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Test: Sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor, right, a sociologist at St. Louis Community College, has spent years tracking down declassified documents to uncover the lengths which the US experimented on people without their knowing. At left, cadmium sulfide, the 'harmless' chemical sprayed on the public is pictured

Spray: She has accrued detailed descriptions as well as photographs of the spraying, which took place as part of Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, which was an operation that dispersed zinc cadmium silfide particles over the general population, a compound that was presented as completely safe
'The study was secretive for reason. They didn't have volunteers stepping up and saying yeah, I'll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles,' said Professor Martino-Taylor to KSDK.

Through her research, she found photographs of how the particles were distributed from 1953-1954 and 1963-1965.

In Corpus Christi, the chemical was dropped from airplanes over large swathes of city.  In St Louis, the Army put chemical sprayers on buildings, like schools and public housing projects, and mounted them in station wagons for mobile use.
Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. The people of St Louis were told that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack.

'It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,' Professor Martino-Taylor said.

Controversial: But Professor Martino-Taylor says that it wasn't just the 'harmless' compound, radioactive particles were also sprayed on the unwitting public. A woman refills the spray canisters in this archive picture

Scope: In St Louis, the Army put chemical sprayers on buildings, like schools and public housing projects, and mounted them in station wagons for mobile use

She accrued hundreds of pages of declassified information, which she has made available online.

In her research, she found that the greatest concentration of spraying in St Louis was at the Pruitt-Igoe public housing complex, which was home to 10,000 low income residents.  She said that 70 per cent of those residents were children under the age of 12.

Professor Martino-Taylor became interested in the topic after hearing independent reports of cancers among city residents living in those areas at the time.

'This was a violation of all medical ethics, all international codes, and the military's own policy at that time,' said Professor Martino-Taylor.

How To: Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. In this picture, a man demonstrates how to spray the canisters

How To: Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. In this picture, a man demonstrates how to spray the canisters

School: The people of St Louis were told that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack. A canister is positioned on top of a school in this photo

'There is a lot of evidence that shows people in St. Louis and the city, in particular minority communities, were subjected to military testing that was connected to a larger radiological weapons testing project.'
Previous investigations of the compound were rebuffed by the military, which insisted it was safe.  

However, Professor Martino-Taylor believes the documents she's uncovered, prove the zinc cadmium silfide was also mixed with radioactive particles.
She has linked the St Louis testing to a now-defunct company called US Radium. The controversial company came under fire, and numerous lawsuits, after several of its workers were exposed to dangerous levels of radioactive materials in its fluorescent paint.

Contaminated: The Army has admitted that it added a fluorescent substance to the 'harmless' compound, but whether or not the additive was radioactive remains classified

Exposed: In her research, she found that the greatest concentration of spraying in St Louis was at the Pruit-Igoe public housing complex, which was home to 10,000 low income residents. She said that 70 per cent of those residents were children under the age of 12
'US Radium had this reputation where they had been found legally liable for producing a radioactive powdered paint that killed many young women who painted fluorescent watch tiles,' said Professor Martino-Taylor. 
SprayIn her findings, one of the compounds that was sprayed upon the public was called 'FP2266', according to the army's documents, and was manufactured by US Radium. The compound, also known as Radium 226, was the same one that killed and sickened many of the US Radium workers.
image001The Army has admitted that it added a fluorescent substance to the 'harmless' compound, but whether or not the additive was radioactive remains classified.
Professor Martino-Taylor has not been able to find if the Army ever followed up on the long term health of the residents exposed to the compound. In 1972, the government destroyed the Pruitt-Igoe houses.
ExposedUpon learning of the professor's findings, Missouri lawmakers called on the Army to detail the tests.
'I share and understand the renewed anxiety of members of the St. Louis communities that were exposed to the spraying of (the chemicals) as part of Army tests during the Cold War,' Senator Claire McCaskill wrote to Army Secretary John McHugh.
'The impacted communities were not informed of the tests at the time and are reasonably anxious about the long term health impacts the tests may have had on those exposed to the airborne chemicals.'
Senator Roy Blunt called the findings 'absolutely shocking.'
'The idea that thousands of Missourians were unwillingly exposed to harmful materials in order to determine their health effects is absolutely shocking. It should come as no surprise that these individuals and their families are demanding answers of government officials,' Senator Blunt said.

Make the Little Things Count

Canadian Muslim mother stabs daughter for staying out past curfew

MONTREAL – For months, Bahar Ebrahimi had been rebelling against her parents, complaining their Afghan culture and Muslim religion were suffocating her. “I want to enjoy my life. I want to feel what the other ones feel,” she told them, according to her mother’s statement to police.

It was June, 2010, Grand Prix weekend in downtown Montreal, and on two straight nights the 19-year-old stayed out past dawn against her parents’ wishes.
For her mother, Johra Kaleki, the behaviour confirmed that all her efforts to steer her eldest daughter on the right path had failed. “I felt like she would never be fixed,” she told Sgt.-Det. Alexandre Bertrand in an interrogation video played Wednesday in Quebec Court.
As her crying husband spoke to Bahar in the basement of their Dorval home, Ms. Kaleki went upstairs and grabbed a large knife from the kitchen counter, the one she used to chop meat, she recounted. “I said, ‘This is the time.’ ”
She hid the knife under her T-shirt, returned to the basement, and told her husband the problem would best be resolved between mother and daughter. “Just leave us alone for five minutes,” she said she told him. “Don’t come until I call you.”
He left and she cuddled her first-born and told her to lie on her stomach so she could give her a back massage. “Then I stab her, stab her neck,” she confessed. “She said, ‘No Mom!’ I said, ‘It’s for your good. Let me finish.’ ”
Earlier in the interrogation, Sgt.-Det. Bertrand has asked whether the knife blade was sharp. “No, it wasn’t,” she replied. “I wish it was. I wanted to give her the peace that she needed.”

NetlogBahar Ebrahimi is alleged to have been stabbed by her mother Johra Kaleki.
Bahar survived the attack, suffering serious knife wounds to her head and shoulder. Ms. Kaleki, 40, is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and illegal use of a weapon.
Her husband, alerted by Bahar’s screams, rushed downstairs and grabbed the knife from Ms. Kaleki, the court heard. “I said to my husband, let me finish her.’ ” She tried to choke her daughter, she said, and after Bahar escaped, she chased her upstairs and tried to break down the locked door to the bedroom where she was calling 911.
She was arrested, and after being treated in hospital for a knife wound on her own arm, she told her story to Sgt.-Det. Bertrand.
The first night Bahar stayed out late, informing her parents she was downtown enjoying a concert, they went to the local police station to file a report, Ms. Kaleki said. The officer told them there was nothing that could be done. “He said, ‘She’s safe. Don’t worry. She’s a teenager.’ ”
But the idea of a rebellious teenage girl was foreign to her parents. They expected Bahar to be home by 11 p.m. and not to smoke, drink or have boyfriends.
After the second night, when Bahar said she had spent much of the evening walking along St. Laurent Blvd., Ms. Kaleki was horrified. “I asked her, ‘Are you a prostitute? Are you a whore?’ ” she said.
A few months earlier, when Ms. Kaleki discovered Bahar was being harassed by an ex-boyfriend, she blamed her daughter. After speaking to the boy once on the phone, Ms. Kaleki decided he sounded like “a very good Muslim guy” and told Bahar he would make a good husband. “Probably you’ve done something to drive him crazy,” she told her. “I know you. You’re my daughter.” Bahar refused the idea of marriage, calling the boy a “psycho.”
Toward the end of the four-hour interview, the detective asked Ms. Kaleki whether she had anything to add. “I hope she gets well,” she said referring to her daughter. But she did not want her to emerge unscarred.
“She live with that wound,” she continued, pointing to her neck, “she remembers me.” The experience “will make her strong and give her wisdom. . . . It means she will give up her ways of living.”
The hearing this week before Judge Yves Paradis is to determine whether the video and other statements made by Ms. Kaleki can be entered into evidence during the trial, which is scheduled to begin in January. Ms. Kaleki’s defence lawyer has said she will argue that Ms. Kaleki did not have the “operating mind” necessary to consent to the interrogation. The hearing continues Thursday.
National Post
Graeme Hamilton | Sep 26, 2012 11:08 PM ET | Last Updated: Sep 29, 2012 3:12 PM ET
More from Graeme Hamilton | @grayhamilton

23 Years is a Long Time

Duck Hunt 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Marijuana is not a Drug

I believe you speak French?

How Clint Eastwood sees the World

Destroy Racism like a Panda

Africa According to Americans

Kat Williams: YOLO?

Fear not the Old Refs are back this week

Best Ginger Bread Man Costume Ever


Security software company McAfee, Inc. released its annual report at the beginning of September, of the celebrities most likely to give you a virus. And, no, Lindsay Lohan wasn’t at the top of the list. Instead, it was Emma Watson of ‘Harry Potter’ fame. But she seems so innocent. Oh, computer virus. Noted.

According to McAfee, people who search for Watson in conjunction with terms like “free downloads” and “nude pictures” have a one-in-eight chance of landing on a malicious site and falling victim to spyware, adware, viruses or phishing.

Other dangerous celebs include Jessica Biel, Selena Gomez, Halle Berry, Megan Fox, Shakira, Cameron Diaz, Salma Hayek and Sofia Vergara.  There go our plans for the afternoon.

The 2012 report marks the first time in six years a man hasn’t made it into the top 10. In fact, the only man in the top 20 was late night host Jimmy Kimmel. Honestly, who the heck searches Jimmy Kimmel naked photos all day?

Well, we do have a free afternoon now so…

by: Don Deane 

Kill it before it lays eggs!!!

True Story

Bob Marley Copied Drake?..... #GetMeOffThisPlanet!!

Bruce Lee ... Enough Said

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

'Punk'd'-Style Show "da bomb", In Iraq

In the Arab world, the monthlong season of Ramadan now coming to a close is the time when TV shows pull out all the stops. In Iraq, a new reality show stirred controversy with a Candid Camera-style spoof.

In this Baghdad version of Punk'd, famous Iraqis — actors, singers and sports figures — are invited to be interviewed at Al-Baghdadiya TV, one of five main channels in the Iraqi capital.

As the notable figure is on the way to the studio, the car stops at a routine checkpoint. Hidden cameras then capture the reaction as soldiers accuse the passenger of carrying a homemade bomb.

The soldiers, the driver and the TV host are all in on the joke. It's the famous person who is being had.

I'm going to shoot you. You're a terrorist!
- A solider on the prank-pulling Iraqi TV show
But this is Iraq, not MTV. Here, it gets ugly fast. In one episode, a soldier screamed at the passenger in Arabic: "I'm going to shoot you. You're a terrorist!"

Some guests cry; others faint. The guest on this episode, a well-known national soccer fan, grabbed a big brick and tried to attack soldiers with it.

"They will kill you," the host screamed. "They will hang you!"

The scene dragged on for an agonizing 12 minutes, and that's after editing. Eventually the soldiers kissed the guest and told him it was all a joke.

The show has been roundly criticized by Iraqis. Online comments and newspaper articles say it is too soon to joke about the fact that people still die here every day.

On Wednesday, the government office that controls media announced it will close Al-Baghdadiya if the network keeps running the program, called Khali en Buca.

Al-Baghdadiya TV
Some guests on the show cry; others faint.
On Wednesday afternoon, a soap opera was on in its place.

NPR made dozens of calls to the show's host seeking an interview but they went unanswered.

At a cafe in Baghdad, where men smoke water pipes and the show was popular, Saif Malik says most Iraqis worried the show would give people high blood pressure or heart attacks.

Malik says what makes the show so universally terrifying is that it could be you standing there, accused as a terrorist, begging the army not to beat you or torture you.

The show's title, Khali en Buca, which literally means, "Let's Steal It," is a reference to Camp Bucca, a once-notorious detention center that was built by the U.S. military and now is under Iraqi control.

At the end of the program, once it's revealed that the target of the joke won't be tortured, the show seems to undercut its own critique of the security forces. Guests who've been spoofed end up lavishing praise on the soldiers.

Karim Wasfi, who heads the national symphony and is a cultural critic, is no fan of the show. But it is provocative, he says, whether by accident or by design.

"It's either very stupid or it was very cleverly done, as if there are actually two messages to convey. One of them is to demonize the army or the concept of security. And the other one is to use that — to actually support operations, support the army," he says.

"So there's competition of — or there's this question — you wonder whether you actually should be supporting [the army] or not," Wasfi says.

http: Slash Slash

Transformer Couch

Begin at the time 12 hours or so before being stopped by the police and write down what you did..............

Global Bacon Shortage 'Unavoidable' Next Year, Says U.K.'s National Pig Association

With pork costs rising, Great Britain is facing a bacon and sausage shortage as pig farmers cut back on herd size. But the problem may soon become global.

In a recent press release, the U.K.'s National Pig Association is warning that a "world shortage of pork and bacon next year is now unavoidable":

New data shows the European Union pig herd is declining at a significant rate, and this is a trend that is being mirrored around the world. Pig farmers have been plunged into loss by high pig-feed costs, caused by the global failure of maize and soya harvests. All main European pig-producing countries report shrinking sow herds.
Financial Times reports that this past season's droughts in North America and Russia are to blame for the spike in prices for grain crops, which are used to feed animals.

As of August, nearly half of all counties in the U.S. were considered disaster areas due to extreme dryness and heat.

Some U.S. farmers have taken to extreme measures to feed their livestock and save money at the same time, including one Kentucky farmer who fed his cattle candy "just to survive."


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