Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Foods That Could Have Only Come from 'Merica?

Taco Bell's Doritos Locos Taco

'Mericans love Doritos, and 'Mericans love Taco Bell. Now that the Doritos Locos Taco finally exists, do we really need anything else to eat? The powdery nacho cheese really does add to the flavor of this fast food favorite, but you'll hate yourself for eating it once it's all gone.

KFC's Double Down Sandwich

The Double Down sandwich from KFC is cheese, bacon, and sauce smashed between two fried chicken patties. You're already getting nearly double the fat and calories of a normal chicken sandwich, so we probably shouldn't mention that there's a secret "triple down" option. 'MERICA!

                                                                                                    Deep Fried Bacon                      
As if bacon isn't bad enough already, America will go ahead and deep fry it for you. This crispy treat is dangerously good, but it really should never be eaten by anyone.
                     McDonald's McGriddle                   McDonald's McGriddles are one of the worst things you can possibly eat. These unique breakfast sandwiches have maple-flavored pancakes for buns and pack more fat and sugar than almost anything on the menu. It's a shame that they're so delicious.
Thanksgiving should probably be renamed "National Gluttony Day" since all we do is eat massive portions of food. Even a whole turkey wasn't good enough to satisfy our hunger, so now people are stuffing it full of a duck and a chicken! The resulting mess looks disgusting, but sadly tastes good.
                                                                                 Denny’s Fried Cheese Melt
Denny's knew that people love cheese, so they took two classic foods and put them together into one cheesy Franken-sandwich. The mozzarella sticks don't seem like they're really necessary, but wow -- this is one delicious grilled cheese.
                                                                                  Krispy Kreme Burger
Krispy Kreme is pretty much the epitome of all donuts, and potential heart attacks aside, it makes a really tasty replacement for the hamburger bun. The sweetness of the glazed donuts blends with the salty and savory flavor of the meat and cheese to form a surprisingly delicious combination. No wonder this fair food is becoming an American tradition!
                                                                                  Pizza on a Stick
It's sad, but people are way too excited for this food "invention." This is literally just a regular slide of pizza that was baked with a paint stirring stick in the crust. Only in America would people be too lazy to hold their food with two hands.
                                                                                   Chili Cheese Fries
As if french fries weren't unhealthy enough already, American restaurants decided to create chili cheese fries. This pile of fried potatoes, chili sauce, and cheese looks like a dog's dinner, but it tastes amazing.
                                                                                   Chocolate Covered Slim Jim
If you want to try this purely-American treat, then you'll have to make some yourself. Lucky for you, and unluckily for your waistline, chocolate-covered Slim Jims are fairly easy to make.
                                                                               McDonald's McRib
Where else in the world could you serve up heavily processed meat scraps pressed into the vague shape of ribs and have people climbing over each other to get it? People go crazy for the McRib every time that McDonald's puts it back on the menu.
                                                                                     Domino's Bread Bowl Pasta
The idea of bread bowls to hold soups and pastas is completely ridiculous. Either you don't eat the bread and waste food, or you do eat it and consume way too many carbs. Domino's Bread Bowl Pasta is an even worse offender, because it uses pizza dough for the bread and loads up the middle with fatty and cheesy pasta.

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