Wednesday, November 23, 2011

F@%K this Parking

The sun is shining the birds are chirping. Not a bad day, considering you just dropped 2k+ on tuition, parking pass, books, etc.... Its also the first semester you decided to move out of the jail cell of a dorm room and move off campus and drive to school.  Life is great.  On your way to school you stop for gas and the attendant fills your tank when you only asked for $10 and comps the rest of the gas.  Free Gas = Awesome.  Can this day get any better?  You get to school.  Time to park your car..... You weave between row after row of occupide parking stalls, searching for a vacant stall like some sick game of musicial chairs.  Wait! What parking lots is this?? M?? P?? Where the fuck are you supposed to park your car???  O Wait?  this is last years parking pass.... Here it is.... Fuck You Right???  P!! Where are you?  Luther!! .. fack... So now you are back circling in the farthest lot from school searching for open stalls like vaulchers circling wounded Las Vegas tourists lost in the desart after a hard night of debauchery best left unmentioned.  Finally!! One fucking stall opens up in the middle of the row.  suddenly it gets quiet. too quiet.  you look to the opposite end of the lot. two headlights glare back at you.  You floor it!!! speed down the row and slide into the spot just before you realise it was just parking services that you just flipped off while cutting into the open spot.  But you'd be surprized if the geriactric pick didnt even see you.  It was the same old man you saw using a flash light to read your license plate while gave you a parking ticket yesterday afternoon when you parked in one of the two hanicapped spots because you thought to yourself "Its cool, you can park at least nine wheel chairs in the other spot" and showed up to class late because it took you 30min to find the only "Open" (handicapped) spot on campus.  So now you sit inside your car some what happy with yourself for finding a parking spot.  You grab your books. Exit the car and You hear someone call your name.  You turn and look and its your neighbor and is waving at you from his front step because he doesn't have class until 2:30pm. And now it dawns on you and you realise that you should have just walked to school in the first place and not burnt a quarter tank of gas looking for a spot....... after the mile walk to your class you notice open spots now in your lot that matches your pass.  This Parking is bull shit by the way if you havn't mentioned that yet.  So you finally get to class and you find out all you missed was the 30 pages of handouts that every school since you were 5 gives you on the first day. And now you have to go move your car.......... fuck.

Steve TheBartender     

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