Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Offshore Treasure

Recently watchdog groups have discovered a horrifying truth, the rich global elite are hiding mass amounts of money in offshore money havens. How much? Recently watch dog groups found a bunch of money missing from the world's markets have discovered a haven containing 21 Trillion US dollars.
For more about the 'offshore economy' (the nice way of saying, 'the money the elites stole from the world').

July 24, 2012 * We would like to update the readers that developments within this story have occured. Its seems several of the world's largest banks were involved in this grand robbery, which has cost the world 32 trillion US Dollars, 280 Billion of it taxpayers money. Some of the banks involved HSBC, Citigroup, And UBS.

Dr Guevara

1: "Super Rich Hiding up to 32 Trillion Offshore

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