Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ice and Fire

A sweeping sensation in the world of entertainment is HBO's fantasy series " Game of Thrones', a fantasy story structured more like an alternate history. The show is based on,(and follows rather well for the most part) A Song of Ice and Fire, a book series by George RR Martin. The plot follows a  huge political upheaval in the land of 'Westeros', along with two interrelated subplots one which involves a fight in wild lands with a horrific undead race, and the other subplot highlights the ambitions of the daughter of a deposed king who intends to return to power. What marks this series out for me as a reader was its break from the traditional 'good versus evil' plot structure, and has a moral grayness. Another thing that stands out is the brutality in the events of the books, definitely not a series for the squeamish. Readers be warned that the last two books that were published, 'A Feast For Crows' and 'A Dance with Dragons' were a little slower paced than the first three. The series also has a basic enough language level in order to be accessible which may turn off elitist readers. That being said excellent series, the show is great too, and keep your eyes out for 'The Winds of Winter."

Dr Guevara.

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