Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Evidence Of Star Destroyed By Its Sun

The scientific model of the aging of our solar system goes like this: we are currently in the relatively 'young' phase of our sun's life. Right now in it's current phase our sun is young and inside there is hydrogen, which is being turned into helium, eventually that hydrogen will run out and the sun will expand in size, becoming so much bigger that the inner ring of our solar system, aka Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, will be destroyed and consumed by the suns expansion. The Sun will then be a 'red giant'. Now the helium inside the red giant will be turned into oxygen and carbon, and eventually when thats used up it will shrink and become a white dawrf. Scientists have recently discovered a planetary system where the red giant has consumed the planets closest to itself. They concluded this by observing the orbit of the remaining planets in the system. Lets hope we get off our rock before this happens to us though. 

Dr Guevara

1:'First Evidence Discovered of Planets Destruction By It's Star' . August 20th 2012. Science.Psu.edu
2:'The Sun And White Dwarfs'. 1 April 2009. www.sciencelearn.org

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