Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Toronto Maple Leaf Joffrey Lupul is tired of being locked out of restaurants too

It’s not easy being a locked out NHL player. You can’t use team facilities to work out. You can’t use team ice to practice. You can’t use anything that has to do with your team, period.

Toronto’s Joffrey Lupul found out, as the National Post’s Sean Fitz-Gerald notes, that also means not getting reservations at Real Sports, a sports bar next to Air Canada Centre in Toronto. He took his complaints to Twitter for good measure.

Real Sports is run by Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, the same company that runs the Leafs, Raptors, Marlies, and Toronto FC soccer club. Apparently that means they can’t associate with any of the NHL players because of the lockout as well.

And here you thought the lockout couldn’t get any sillier. Maybe next time Lupul, or any other player who might want to go tip a few back there, can make a reservation under a fake name. I hear Abe Froman is a good name to use in Chicago.


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