Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wakaw residents want answers as they’re left without power or water

After windstorms left tens of thousands of people in the dark, power is scheduled to be restored to parts of the province early Thursday evening.

However, some customers in Wakaw are frustrated by the lack of communication from SaskPower. They were left with no power for close to three days, and say they couldn’t get an answer from the power company.

Even Ed Kidd, the mayor of Wakaw, felt deserted. “We’re pretty disappointed with SaskPower. They haven't got a hold of us at all. They haven't called the office or myself.”

During the worst of the storm, SaskPower was flooded with calls. But apparently there were too many for the company to handle.
The company provided a media release Thursday afternoon, saying it hopes to have all customers back on-line by dinner time. However, the residents of Wakaw have no access to radio, television, or the internet. So, they have no way of getting that release, and instead flood SaskPower with more calls.

The hospital in the area was holding on with emergency power, and SaskWater should be back up and running after the city had to rely on its reserves for almost two days.

“You know it would be really nice if you could inform us of the situation so we can tell our residents what's going on,” says Kidd.

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