Friday, May 25, 2012

It’s the older generation that’s entitled, not students

Quebec Premier Jean Charest and Education Minister Michelle Courchesne. The old folks who lived their whole life with generous government benefits now are telling students to tighten their belts.

“Entitlement.” We hear that word associated again and again with student protesters in Quebec. Usually, it’s preceded by the words, “sense of.”
“They think someone owes them a living,” disgruntled critics harrumph. “Wait until they get into the real world.”
Setting aside the fact that this intergenerational hectoring dates back to Socrates, let us ask: Who exactly is making the charge? Quebec has had low tuition rates for a half century. That means almost every living adult in the province, having already been afforded a plum goodie, is now wagging his finger at the first generation that will be asked to pay the tab. So who really is entitled here?

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