Thursday, June 14, 2012

Worlds richest man tells people to retire later in life

We live in some of the worst class warfare seen in decades, the rich have excessive abundance and the poor struggle worse than ever. To add insult to injury for the average slave, um, sorry 'worker', Carlos Slim, South
American telecommunications mogul and apparently the richest man in the world, says average people should retire in their 70s. For more details follow the link posted below
Dr. Guevara


  1. Hold on a min.

    Now, I've been told by many teachers and profs. that if Canadians continue to work well into our years, we will limit the quantity of jobs for our children. It's our duty to get our shit together as best we can, as fast as we can as well.

  2. (most likely) by the time we have kids, who's to say that our jobs will even exist. At the rate technology is progressing people working at all(if you are smart enough) will be rare.

  3. as for jobs lost from people working into their 70's, I believe people shouldn't have to depend on a superior entity for create work for them. Find something you love to do or other people can't live without and provide a service to the people in your community. Get creative! The worst thing anyone can ever tell you is No. if you don't believe me on that point, ask your boss about business school... oh wait ... chances are he never went to one.


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