Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Alphabet Rock Soup (Interview with Andrew Brandt from Braindead Romeo)

Today I got the chance to chat with lead guitarist Andrew Brandt from Braindead Romeo about Thursday's benefit gig Alphabet Rock Soup at the Exchange in Regina, Sk. 

Interview Below

Date: Thursday June 14th, 2012

Venue: The Exchange (Regina, Sk)

Doors Open: 8:00pm

Show Starts @ 8:30pm

($5 if you bring a canned food item for the food bank)

Braindead Romeo

Picture from www.reverbnation.com/braindeadromeo

Fur eel 

Picture from www.reverbnation.com/fureel

Port Noise 
Picture from www.reverbnation.com/portnoise

"The show starts at 8:30pm and the proceeds are going to the SCES and the Regina Food Bank." 

Today I got the chance to chat with lead guitarist Andrew Brandt from Braindead Romeo about Thursday's benefit gig at the Exchange in Regina, Sk.  

For those of you who aren't familiar with the band Braindead Romeo here is a quick run down. 

Braindead Romeo was formed in the early months of 2010 by the dynamic duo Andrew Brandt and Tim Borgares. They form the core of the sound - razor edged, double weaving guitar work - which is augmented by the thunderous Alex Howe on bass guitar and the incomparable precision of James Belle on drums. Together they are intent on making your ears bleed, your minds blow, and your clothes fall off - and make a massive gouge in humanity in the process!

Picture from www.reverbnation.com/braindeadromeo

Braindead's first album was built to blow doors down: Live! in the Wild, a continuous 55-minute racous live performance combined with a high-quality studio track, all of which designed to showcase a gritty punk-rock glamour.

The sophomore album, Soul'd Out, tries to polish the sound a bit, but keeps in mind the same anarchist snarl which made their first record so great. Soul'd Out also shows the band's versatility - their adrenaline rock is augmented with acoustic, groove, industrial, and electronic tracks. It was recorded at various Regina studios throughout 2011 and released at the end of that year.   

Here is what Andrew had to say about Alphabet Rock Soup this coming Thursday at the Exchange and other fun stuff:

(Interview took place via Text Message so forgive the bad grammar)

Andrew Brandt : Braindead Romeo : Picture from www.reverbnation.com/braindeadromeo

STB: "Can you give me a feel for what Alphabet Rock Soup will be like? 

Andrew: "Well, it's called 'alphabet rock soup,' in that there will be a wide variety of cover tunes from ac/dc to zappa. The selections range across rock history, and redbeard had tried to make sure there are as many different bands represented as possible. Stylistically, too, he's gathered up very diverse bands to play - funk, acoustic, rock, metal. So it's going to be a pretty eclectic night, lots of hits."

STB: "Where is the money from ticket sales going? What time do the doors open?"

Andrew: "I think at 8 they open... I posted a picture of the show poster on my fb page (andrew darrell) so maybe check there before I'm quoted on that haha. The show starts at 8:30pm and the proceeds are going to the SCES and the Regina Food Bank."

STB: "Why is your band playing this show? (for free i'm assuming as it is for charity) 

Andrew:"Correct. Well any excuse to play is fine by me. We're also friends with Redbeard and he's given us some airtime on his show. The concept of it is also fun - we haven't done an all-covers gig before. Hardly ever play covers in Regina, actually. We picked tunes people love, and that we're really good at."

STB: "Because you are playing all covers of other peoples music at this event do you think that the original artists who created the songs you will be playing should be entitled to a cut of the profits made from this event? Or do you think they would be cool with it because it's for charity?" 

Andrew: "For me personally, I'd be fine with other people performing and adapting my music. That's the highest compliment an artist can be paid. It's not for financial gain, it's just because we love the song and want to pay that artist tribute and respect. Quite frankly, they have no right to royalties from that."

STB: "How do you feel about Electronic Dance Music DJ's who cover/remix other people music (sometimes with hardly any changes) and make money off it by passing it off as their own creation? Do you think that DJ's (or any other real musician for that matter) who play for money in front of a crowd should only be allowed to preform music that they own the rights to?"

Andrew: "You have to give credit where credit is due, and obviously when you record something with the intent to sell it - or create sheet music to sell, for that matter - you legally need the proper permissions. But live performances, in my opinion, are fair game. 

And with cover versions, think about it like this: every single time the beatles would put out a single, there would immediately be fifty other artists with their own version of it trying to get on the radio. But guess who still got the attention and respect? If anything, the extra attention helps your career.

STB: "Is there anything you want to say about your band's plans for the summer?"

Andrew: "Just that we'll be having a bunch of shows in and around regina, and we're writing and performing lots of great new material. And ppl should buy our album." 

STB: "Which Album do you think people should buy? What is your preferance (if any); Live! in the Wild? or Soul'd Out? 

Andrew: "Soul'd out. I think the sound quality and the writing is far more mature on soul'd out. We've grown and we're still growing; the next one will be even better.

Check out the new album, Soul'd Out, athttp://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sould-out/id498685309

At this point my phone died and I was unable to continue the interview but I do plan on posting a follow up on Alphabet Rock Soup this weekend.

-Steve TheBartender   


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