Monday, July 9, 2012

Former Nun 'Candidates' speak Against Legion of Christ

 Dozens of women who were training to be nuns, have urged the Vatican to close down the training center where they went as girls. Their reasons for wanting this to happen is due to the abuses they suffered due to the religious order that trained them, a christian group known as the Legion of Christ. One Man who sang their praises was former Pope John Paul II, who commended the order on their above average recruitment skills. Now a darker truth comes to surface. The Legion's methods were to recruit young girls and then force them to into a systematic isolation where they could form no relationships except with their spiritual counsellors. Many girls developed problems such as eating disorders, stress-induced migraines, depression and suicidal thoughts. For more on this troubling cult, follow the link and enjoy the video.

Dr Guevara

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