Sunday, July 8, 2012

Went for a Walk at Wascana Park and Bumped into some Rockstars

Walking through Wascana Park After Summer Invasion 2012
Left to Right: Xavier Muriel, Emily MacNeil, Josh Todd

So I decided tonight after a long day of gathering footage to bring you the news today I would take my girl friend for a walk in the park to relax and catch up after a long hot saturday at work.  Now earlier today I was down at wascana park filming for a news piece on Sasktel Summer Invasion and i ran into Rem Massingill the guitar tech for  Buckcherry.  He gave me his card with his number and told me to call him if I wanted to meet the band after the show.  Which I attempted to do so several times until when we least expected it we were walking passed the legislative building just north of the concert venue and we stumbled upon front man Josh Todd and drummer Xavier Muriel from Buckcherry.  Now unfortunately I was unable to sit down and have a formal interview with these two but i did get to chat with them off the record about how their tour through Saskatchewan. You know good crowds (Regina ... of course) and Bad crowds (Prince Albert.... apparently the crowd was really high and not quite into it of something along those lines remember "Off the Record").  

-Steve TheBartender 

The Picture Emily Took of Buckcherry and I (She got my good side :P)

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