Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pink Panty Droppers #SummerSlammed

Summer is my favourite time of year. Warm weather cold drinks, fresh bud and women in very little clothing. Now if you need something to make those women lose what little clothing they have I recommend this dangerously tasty cocktail that will like the name says, make those panties (if they are wearing any) drop.

This recipe makes a great fizzy pink lemonade. It's definitely one of my must have summer staples. If it's hot, you're low on cash, and want to have a lot of fun, this is the answer! It makes just shy of 5 gallons, so it can serve a TON of people. Each drink packs a heavy whallop to your head, so you really don't need much per person. Enjoy!

Servings: 5 Gallons


24 Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer
1/2 Gallon Premium Vodka
4 Cans Pink Lemonade Concentrate


You want to start with a CLEAN 5 gallon bucket. You can use a punchbowl or something like that as well, just make sure it's big enough.

You basically just mix all the ingredients together, but the best way to do this is by mixing the frozen pink lemonade concentrate with the vodka first. That way you won't kill all of the carbonation in the beer.

Note: If you want the lemonade to be extra sweet, add a fifth can of concentrate to the mix.

Then pour in all the beer. You will get a LOT of head from all that beer. It's rather unavoidable, but it will go down after a while. Also, don't be concerned about the beer going flat as the day goes on. You won't even be able to notice it.

The main point in using Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) is not because it's cheap, (although that is always a good thing in my book!) but because it's a very watery beer. You don't want to use an expensive beer that has flavor. That would make the lemonade taste bad. You could use other cheap watery beers as well, like Natural Ice for example, and it would still come out great.

Toss some ice in a glass and drink responsibly!

A smaller version of this recipe is:

One standard bottle of Vodka
12 pk of Pabst Blue Ribbon
2 Pink Lemonade Frozen Juice Concentrate

- Steve TheBartender

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